Anonymous ID: 599419 Jan. 17, 2019, 6:41 p.m. No.4799373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

250 Illegal Immigrants Give Themselves Up to Border Agents in New Mexico


Border agents arrested almost 250 illegal immigrants in New Mexico on Jan. 16.


The group of Central American migrants is believed to have been brought over the border by smugglers. The group consisted mostly of families and unaccompanied minors and were in need of medical attention. They turned themselves in to border agents after midnight.


A press release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, obtained by Fox News, indicated the migrants are following a common procedure taught to them by smugglers.


“Unscrupulous organized smugglers are exploiting the area and the proximity to the border to move large groups of people,” the press release said. “These groups of people are told where to cross and turn themselves in with smugglers never having to cross the border themselves and risk apprehension.”


This mass arrest comes after news that a new migrant caravan is traveling through Central America for the United States.


“A big new Caravan is heading up to our Southern Border from Honduras,” wrote President Donald Trump on Twitter. “Tell Nancy and Chuck that a drone flying around will not stop them. Only a Wall will work. Only a Wall, or Steel Barrier, will keep our Country safe! Stop playing political games and end the Shutdown!”


A quarter of the government remains shut down due to a stalemate between the president and House Democrats, who are refusing to provide funding for a border wall as large numbers of migrants try to illegally enter the United States.


Trump, who has called the border situation a “humanitarian crisis,” is waiting to open the government once the Democrat-controlled House apportions the money needed to build the president’s long-promised border wall.


House Democrat leaders, who claim the border situation is a “manufactured crisis” have said the wall is expensive and unnecessary. Pelosi went as far as saying it was “immoral.”


In a video clip posted to the White House’s official Twitter account on Jan. 14, Arizona rancher Jim Chilton, who owns a ranch across more than five miles of the border, spoke at the 100th anniversary American Farm Bureau Federation Convention as Trump listened beside him.


“Mr. President, we need a wall,” Chilton said to cheers in front of more than 7,000 farmers and ranchers who attended the event. “I would say we need a wall all the length of the border. We’ve got to stop the drug packers bringing drugs in to poison our people.”

Anonymous ID: 599419 Jan. 17, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.4799449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9496 >>9532 >>9584

At least 1 Person Killed, Another Hurt in Shooting in Houston - Police


According to the Harris County Sheriff's Office, a woman was shot to death in the parking lot of a Houston church on Thursday and another person was wounded.


According to the Harris County Sheriff's Office, the shooting occurred at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church, however, no suspect has been apprehended. Local authorities have launched the investigation into the incident.


The Sheriffs' Office said Thursday there have been no other reports of injuries and the scene at the church was under control. Local investigators said they would provide suspect description shortly.


An eyewitness told local ABC13 broadcaster that at least three bursts were heard, with two happening in rapid succession and then one a short time later at the church just after 7 p.m. local time.


According to media reports, parents whose children attend classes at Christ the Redeemer Catholic School received the alert message about the incident. The school is reportedly on lockdown. Faculty, parents and students were reportedly safe.


Possible FF??

Anonymous ID: 599419 Jan. 17, 2019, 6:51 p.m. No.4799551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zimbabwe Government Blocks Internet to Suppress Protests, Cuts Power as a Result


This latest example of a government restricting Internet access to control its citizenry had unintended consequences


The government of Zimbabwe cut its citizen’s access to the Internet for 24 hours beginning mid-morning Tuesday in a bid to quell violent protests on Monday over government-ordered doubling of both petrol and diesel fuel prices last Saturday.


According to the Irish Times, the government ordered the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe to block Internet access provided by Zimbabwe’s two largest ISPs, Econet and TelOne. The intention was to prevent citizens from using social media to organize protests similar to those that erupted on Monday.


What happened next is a case study of the impact of unintended consequences and humanity’s ever-increasing reliance on the Internet. A Bloomberg story reports that because Zimbabweans use the Internet to pay for their electricity on a daily basis, many homes lost their electricity along with Internet access. The story states that most Zimbabweans use Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Ecocash mobile-phone payment system to purchase “electricity in units of $5 or less and almost all domestic users are on prepaid meters, so many buy for $1 at a time.”


The United States Embassy in Zimbabwe condemned the government’s action, which did lift some Internet restrictions on Wednesday evening. However, access to social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter apparently is still restricted. Many Zimbabweans have been using virtual private networks (VPNs) to circumvent the restrictions, but reports say that the government has blocked that workaround as well.



Anonymous ID: 599419 Jan. 17, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.4799607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nigel Farage warns EU: ‘Push British people too far and the lion will roar’


(Farage’s speech starts at 2:28)

Anonymous ID: 599419 Jan. 17, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.4799651   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Government Shutdown Exposes Another Reason to Abolish the TSA


The Transportation Security Administration, a federal agency, is facing a no-show problem with employees, as paychecks are put on hold during the partial government shutdown.


This is reportedly leading to longer lines and security problems at airports nationwide. According to CNN:


Hundreds of Transportation Security Administration officers, who are required to work without paychecks through the partial government shutdown, have called out from work this week from at least four major airports…


TSA spokespeople, meanwhile, insist everything is completely normal although absenteeism has “increased by 200% to 300%,” according to Marketwatch.


Not everyone was as sanguine about the situation as government officials. One frequent traveler complained “The lines were exceptionally longer than normal, especially for a peak departure time frame of 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.”


Given that the feds admit more employees are skipping work, it’s hard to believe that everything’s humming along normally — unless workers are lowering security standards to get more people through the line quickly.


But, that, of course, is something the feds insist they would never, ever do.


In any case, the whole affair reminds us of just one of the many pitfalls that come with federalizing airport security and making it all part of one giant, nationwide federal bureaucracy.


TSA screeners are federal employees, and their salaries are paid out of a federal budget — of now more than 7 billion dollars. In fiscal year 2018 , more than four billion of the TSA’s 7.5 billion budget came from government appropriations, with the rest coming from fees on passengers and the industry. Since 2017, the Trump Administration has proposed to increasing fees ” to cover 75% rather than 40% of the Transportation Security Administration’s costs.”1


But even if the Trump Administration were to get its wish, the TSA would still remain a federal agency with federal employees, and a substantial of its budget would still come from federal appropriations.


In other words, the next time there’s a government shutdown, we’d be looking, yet again, at a situation in which the entire nationwide system of airports would be affected because a tiny number of politicians in DC couldn’t agree on a nationwide budget.


It doesn’t have to be this way. Nor were things this way prior to the federalization of airport security in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Thanks to the George W. Bush Administration, airport security was federalized only two months after 9/11, with Bush proudly declaring at the time: “For the first time, airport security will become a direct, federal responsibility.”There were federal regulations in place dictating how security was conducted, of course, but the employees and the funding were largely decentralized in how they were distributed and used.