Anonymous ID: 78faac Jan. 17, 2019, 8:01 p.m. No.4800470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0483 >>0497 >>0525 >>0543

Tucker Carlson

I am thinking about this guy is he shill or patriot?


When you watch FoxNews show it is kind of 'feel good' for MAGA people. He is obviously presenting news projecting to be on MAGA side but my assertion is he is making sure that leftist ideas and massaging is well understood and delivered to his audience.


My final conclusion after feeling sad and depressed after watching his show it hit me. He is actually feeding ideas and work on much deeper mind-control propaganda technique.


Sometimes he uses 'amused' technique that goes like this


Use cover up method like 'left used to stand for', 'according to the democrats', 'this is new normal in America'


then he delivers the talking point like 'free speech does not exist any more', 'Trump is Russian stooge', 'walls are immoral'…


and then he makes some debate but carefully crafting messaging in envelope and delivering it constantly multiple times during the show. If you would cut core message that he layers with ton of BS you would hear more outrageous and blatant spitting on US, POTUS, our freedom and values than CNN does.