Anonymous ID: 825a94 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.4800959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0978 >>1007 >>1072 >>1181 >>1194

Here we go FULL RETARD


Trump "Personally Instructed" Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About Moscow Project: BuzzFeed


President Trump instructed his former longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to congress about negotiations to construct a Moscow Trump Tower, according to BuzzFeed, citing two federal law enforcement officials who leaked the information.


Trump also supported a plan hatched by Cohen to visit Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign in order to personally meet Vladimir Putin to see if it would help get the project off the ground. "Make it happen," Trump allegedly told Cohen.


And even as Trump told the public he had no business deals with Russia, the sources said Trump and his children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., received regular, detailed updates about the real estate development from Cohen, whom they put in charge of the project. -BuzzFeed


According to BuzzFeed, Cohen told special counsel Robert Mueller that after the election, "Trump personally instructed him to lie" - by claiming that the Trump Tower Moscow negotiations had ended months before they actually had. The special counsel's office also allegedly learned about Trump's insructions to lie "through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents," which Cohen reportedly confirmed.


This revelation is not the first evidence to suggest the president may have attempted to obstruct the FBI and special counsel investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.


But Cohen's testimony marks a significant new frontier: It is the first known example of Trump explicitly telling a subordinate to lie directly about his own dealings with Russia. -BuzzFeed

Anonymous ID: 825a94 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.4801007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1085 >>1194





It's game on Israel controls the CCP and DIA.




New US Intelligence Study: China "Already Leads The World” In Key Weapons Technologies


A newly released Pentagon unclassified intelligence report authored by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) comes to some shocking and alarming conclusions concerning China's rapid advances in advanced military technology in answer to the question: "What are Beijing's strategic intentions?"


The report finds that as a result of “acquiring technology by any means available” — especially in the areas of naval and missile systems, including intermediate range missiles and hypersonic weapons, capable of allowing missiles to travel at many times the speed of sound — China's defense tech is not only at the cutting edge but “In some areas, it already leads the world.”


The "by any means available" charge leveled at Beijing is a reference to what American political leaders and businesses have slammed as unfair Chinese domestic laws forcing foreign partners to divulge secrets as the cost of doing business in China, with its massive population and ever expanding markets.


The 140-page DIA report is titled simply “China Military Power” and the introduction presents the thesis and purpose of the study according to the following central questions:


“What do we need to know about China?” What is China’s vision of the world and its role in it? What are Beijing’s strategic intentions and what are the implications for Washington? How are the PLA’s roles and missions changing as it becomes a more capable military force?


For over a year Pentagon officials and Washington defense planners have been sounding the alarm over the US rival's rapidly advancing pace of weapons tech and research.


Gen. Paul Selva, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs last year warned concerning China's advances in hypersonic missiles: “If we just sit back and don’t react we will lose our technological superiority” over China, Selva said at a think tank event last June.


The new Pentagon study confirms these warnings by concluding:


“The result of this multifaceted approach to technology acquisition is a PLA (People’s Liberation Army) on the verge of fielding some of the most modern weapon systems in the world.”


The report notes further that the PLA's advances in air, sea and space, including in cyberspace and cybersecurity, will “enable China to impose its will in the region.”

Anonymous ID: 825a94 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:47 p.m. No.4801024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There Is No Global Market for Recycled Materials - Research Scientist


Shell, Procter and Gamble and Exxon are just 3 of the 25 organizations joining together to remove plastic from the earth’s oceans. The new Alliance to End Plastic Waste say they will aim to reduce the amount of plastic waste produced and also invest in new methods of recycling ocean debris.


Sputnik spoke with Dr Jennifer Lavers, Research Scientist at the University of Tasmania for more insight on the issue.


Sputnik: The Alliance to End Plastic Waste has set out $1bn to tackle plastic waste in earth’s oceans. How significant is the creation of this new industrial group?


Jennifer Lavers: It’s really exciting that industry is coming on board and that they are acknowledging that there is a very significant issue. I think we have all acknowledged that there is a role for industry in this conversation; we can’t solve this problem without their partnership but I think there are a few concerns that need to be addressed.


The couple of the warning signs that come first to my mind are Exxon and Shell are just two of the 25 organizations that are part of this alliance and just last year, they were also part of a much announcement where these two corporations along with a couple of others invested more than 186 billion dollars in over a less than a decade, to actually increase the production of plastic, which has actually contributed to an estimated 40 times increase in plastic over the next decade.


Sputnik: Some of these companies e.g. Shell have controversial histories surrounding environmental causes; are there fears that this announcement is simply a drive for 'good publicity’ and is there a fear that other companies could follow suit?


Jennifer Lavers: I think that’s always a risk but at the same time, realistically, these companies have it in themselves financially, globally in scope and scale to actually do something really meaningful so we don’t want to write them off.


It’s just this particular alliance, this particular choice of actions; I don’t think is the right choice. All of the Asian countries no longer want the world’s waste and we simply don’t have the infrastructure in the rest of the developed world to deal with it. It’s mine to say that we aim to increase recycling but where will it go? There is no market for recycled materials, so I think their aim is off.


It sounds really pretty but behind it there lacks real substance.


Sputnik: 1Bn is obviously a huge amount of money but will this new concentrated effort be effective in ridding plastic from our oceans?

Anonymous ID: 825a94 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:49 p.m. No.4801052   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube Admits It Meddled with Abortion Search Results – But Calls Downranked Videos ‘Misinformation’


In a comment to the Daily Mail for a story about Breitbart News’ publication of internal discussions revealing search manipulation by the Google-owned video platform, YouTube admitted that it meddled with search results for “abortion.”


However, YouTube seems to be standing by its decision, claiming that the videos that were pushed out of the top search results for the query contained “misinformation” or “graphic content.”


The spokesperson added that when the changes were made, no videos were removed from the site and the ones that were shifted ‘contained misinformation alongside graphic images’.


Breitbart News reported earlier this week on internal discussions at Google showing that YouTube added the search terms “abortion” and “abortions” to an internal “blacklist” file inside the company. The change came after a left-wing Slate writer complained about the prominence of pro-life content in the top ten search results.


Among the videos identified by the Slate writer were of congressional testimony from former abortion doctor turned pro-life activist Dr. Antony Levatino, an unidentified Ben Shapiro video, a video called “LIVE Abortion Video on Display,” and a personal story about abortion called “Abortion: My Experience” with a thumbnail adding “my biggest mistake.”


The pro-life videos she complained about disappeared from the top ten results following her complaint. These are the videos that YouTube accuses of “misinformation” and “graphic images.”


But only one of these videos, “LIVE Abortion Video on Display” fits this description, due to its graphic content.


YouTube also failed to explain how congressional testimony from Dr. Antony Levatino, a gynecologist and former abortion doctor —- also disappeared from the top ten results — could be “misinformation.”

Anonymous ID: 825a94 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.4801068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1138

LIAR PELOSI Cancelled Trump’s Speech Due to Lack of Securty – But Lined Up Extra Security for Democrats’ Private Trip to Belgium, Afghanistan


Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sent a letter to President Donald Trump on Wednesday asking him to postpone the State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress scheduled for January 29.

Pelosi cited security concerns over the partial government shutdown.


Pelosi said both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security have not been funded for 26 days now – with critical departments hamstrung by furloughs. Therefore, they would not be ready for the speech.


Pelosi posted her letter to Trump on Twitter, saying, “Today, I wrote to @realDonaldTrump recommending that we delay the State of the Union until after government re-opens, as the @SecretService, the lead federal agency for #SOTU security, faces its 26th day without funding.” (Text version of letter below tweet.)


The Department of Homeland Security refuted the Speaker’s claims — The Secret Service is ready for the SOTU.


And on Thursday FOX News reported that Speaker Pelosi was using “all kinds of security” manpower for her pricey trip with Democrats to Belgium and Afghanistan.

Anonymous ID: 825a94 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:52 p.m. No.4801085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1155 >>1243 >>1250





US Puts Intl Security at Risk Claiming Russia Provided Missile Tech to N Korea


The US Defense Department has unveiled a new plan to strengthen and expand the US missile defense capabilities on land, sea and in space amid fears of sparking a nuclear crisis with Russia and China.


Russian Envoy to Pyongyang Alexander Matsegora slammed on Friday the claims that Pyongyag has obtained Russian missile defense technology as "absolutely unfounded".


"I would like to state with all my responsibility that the allegations against Russia about the alleged purchase of missile and air defense technology by North Koreans from us are contrived and absolutely unfounded. Washington fails to find pretexts for accusations against us that is why they are making up another hoax. By this unfair way, [the United States] is also trying to justify its destabilizing policies in the area of international security", Matsegora told Sputnik on Friday.


The new US missile defense review says that "North Korea has acquired Russian missile defense technology and is developing its own mobile missile defense capabilities, specifically, a mobile air and missile defense system […] While indigenously produced, its interceptors and radar system share similarities with Russian systems".


Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood told reporters on Thursday that as North Korea produces additional systems and they grow in sophistication, the United States response must be robust and effective.


The situation on the Korean Peninsula remained tense for decades over the North Korean missile and nuclear tests carried out in violation of the UN Security Council’s resolutions.


The first ever US-North Korean summit was held in Singapore on 12 June. Following the meeting, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un confirmed his intention to denuclearize, and US President Donald Trump pledged to provide security guarantees to Pyongyang.


The parties have already begun to discuss the second summit, but no specific results have been reportedly achieved yet. Trump's top security aide John Bolton said in December that Washington intended to hold it in January or February. At the same time, he noted that US administration did not plan to lift sanctions against Pyongyang.


In his New Year's address to the nation, Kim confirmed that he was ready to improve relations with South Korea and the United States, and meet with US President Donald Trump "at any time."

Anonymous ID: 825a94 Jan. 17, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.4801109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1155 >>1243 >>1250

FBI Team Arrives In Manbij To Investigate Attack On American Troops – Report


A team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has arrived in the northern Syrian city of Manbij in order to launch an investigation into the recent bombing attack that killed several Americans, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on January 17 citing a “special source.”


“A team of the FBI arrived in Manbij few hours ago and began an investigation into the bombing of the Prince restaurant in the middle of the city,” the SOHR’s report reads.


According to the U.S. Army Central Command (CENTCOM), two U.S. service members, one Department of Defense (DoD) civilian and one contractor supporting DoD were killed and three service members were injured in Manbij attack.


ISIS had claimed responsibility for the attack and said that it was carried out by a suicide bomber named “Abu Yasin al-Shami.” However, the Manbij Military Council (MMC) arrested a “terrorist” cell linked to Turkish intelligence only hours after the attack, in what appears to be an attempt to blame Turkey for the bombing.


The involvement of the FBI indicates that the U.S. is not buying ISIS claims, meaning that a third party may have indeed played a role in the unusual attack.


I proved this was a FF earlier Baker missed it I'll repost and link