Who Dressed His and WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
How can one say it means one thing when its on your enemies feet, yet its OK when they are on your friends feet?
How can that be? See how you pick/choose your ENEMIES and you CREATE DIVISION?
Also, didn't Melania also wear Red Bottom of her shoes During Christmas so what does that mean? Ya can't have it both ways nor can you?
So seriously, why is this so Crazy? Lets see, JFK dozens of affairs while married, in the WH, including SPIES! He was ready to be exposed as having affair with a SPY! He was also addicted to drugs to numb his pain.
See how brainwashed you are to only attack your enemies, while you provide cover and help hide 100% the exact same things? Except this time you were all caught now weren't you?
I support Q and Trump, yet if you attack red shoes in children say PIZZAGATE for wearing red shoes, how far off is this? Or are you pissed because you can not defend it?
JFK Jr photo was taken off JFK Library.