Anonymous ID: e45d51 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.4801896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1946


Well look at it from the 40000 view, Cohen has been discredited by himself and by unrelated business dealings like his "Taxi" business. This article is just another attempt to try to put POTUS in a bad light, its like the the kid in class who always tells on others, eventually he gets cornered and gets the shit beat out of him for having a big mouth or for lying about shit to the teacher, Cohen will have his day of reckoning. I am sure there is much more about Cohen's corruption (having nothing to do with Trump) that (they) do not want ot get out. He was doing shit illegally using the Trump brand to make a buck….Cohen is that little weasel singing like a canary….Donald J. Trump sits in the White House and is the President of the United States….no matter how much they try to destroy him, he just keeps getting stronger.

Anonymous ID: e45d51 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.4801995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2052



Q always told us we have more than we know, and its up to us to know. I like Tucker but I don't agree with everything he says, shit thats the liberal way, "if you don't act, think, talk or behave like us you must be destroyed", no thanks I like debate and disagreement on a positive level and on neutral ground. I certainly will not be going to my local coffee shop and talk about Adrenochrome and say Hilllary lost because she eats babies and is a Satanist…there will be many who will deny such things even if they couldn't stand HRC.

We need to get back to world where we can speak our minds without being attacked or ruined. Sometimes I cannot believe where we are but hence, it is our current reality.