Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.4805282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And now for something Completely different


Don't Panic! Lighten Up!

Are you or a loved one suffering from toxic masculinity? Know the warning signs


More than 40% of men today suffer from it—and their loved ones pay the price.


It's called "toxic masculinity," and it's the latest disease to plague the nation. It can affect every aspect of a toxic man's life. Worst of all, toxic masculinity is contagious, so if you're infected, you need to know right away so you can avoid spreading it to your friends and family.


Are you or a loved one suffering from toxic masculinity? Know the warning signs so you can seek help:


Even the faintest whisper of facial hair - If you have a mustache, schedule a check-up. If you find a goatee on your face, consider going into the emergency room. If you have a full-grown beard, well, it's probably too late for you.


A belief that men and women are at least a little bit different - Should you be infected with the cancerous idea that men and women are even the slightest bit different from one another, you could have toxic masculinity. If you're a woman who believes this, then you suffer from an even worse disease called internalized misogyny.

Throwing a professional wrestler off a steel cage right through the announcer's table - Men who suddenly look around and find that they're tossing a professional wrestler off a steel cage to plummet right through the announcer's table are at high risk of developing toxic masculinity. If a man in your life is suffering from this symptom, encourage him to stop wrestling in the WWE immediately.

Eating meat on occasion - A disease like toxic masculinity can quickly change your diet. If you find yourself leaving your vegan avocado quinoa toast smoothies untouched in favor of wolfing down some bacon-wrapped bacon, you might have toxic masculinity.

Holding the door open for a woman once in a while - It looks innocent enough: a woman approaches, and you hold the door so she doesn't have to open it again. Seems like common courtesy, right? WRONG. It's one of the first warning signs of toxic masculinity, and you need to do better if you're going to beat this thing. One way to reduce your toxic masculinity is to slam the door right in a woman's face and scream, "EQUALITY!!!" through the glass when she glares at you.


Yelling stuff about freedom and charging into battle wearing blue face paint - If you find yourself charging into battle against the English wearing blue face paint in the 14th century, you might be beyond medical help. Do all of society a favor and get yourself drawn and quartered so no one else catches this contagious illness.

Being a man who doesn't hate himself - This is the most telling sign. If you're a biological male and you don't hate yourself, toxic masculinity is already coursing through your veins. If there's going to be any hope of recovery, you need to begin hating yourself today.


If you or your man are showing one or more of these symptoms, contact your medical professional today. Get help, before it's too late.

Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.4805337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5646 >>5845

Marist Poll: Trump's Latino Support Jumps 19 Points


President Donald Trump's approval rating among Latinos shot up nearly 20 points from December to January in a new poll.


Key results in the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll:


50 percent of Latinos support the job Trump is doing, a significant jump from the 31 percent who had the same answer in a December poll.

Trump's support among whites dropped from 50 percent to 40 percent, while his support among African-Americans fell from 19 percent to 11 percent.

Overall, Trump's approval in the most recent poll is 39 percent, down from 42 percent in the previous poll.


The ongoing government shutdown began Dec. 22 after lawmakers could not agree on funding Trump's border wall between the United States and Mexico.

Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.4805385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As usual what they don't mention is Trump changed the mission statement from aiding n abetting to search n destroy kek


Trump's Pentagon has expanded its secretive war on terror to 80 countries — here's what we know


As of October 2017, a Cost of War analysis conducted by Brown University estimated US troops were involved in 76 countries. By January 2019, the number had increased to 80.


In the last two years, their analysis shows that US troops have been in combat in 14 countries, that US drones and planes have launched strikes in seven countries and that US forces have run counter-terrorism training in 65 missions. In the secretive war on terror, the Defense Department has used the label counter-terror training to describe its mission in Niger, where US commandos were participating in raids and patrols against militants.


Trump's Pentagon has made it increasingly difficult to know about where US troops are employed and the kinds of missions they are on. In response to queries, Department of Defense spokespeople will not confirm external reports.

Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 8:12 a.m. No.4805537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China, Germany to deepen financial cooperation


China and Germany have agreed to coordinate more closely on financial policies on Friday at a high-level financial dialogue in Beijing.


The event was co-chaired by Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and German Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz.


Liu He said this is the countries' first high-level financial dialogue since China and Germany formed new governments. The dialogue is meant to tighten communication as the global economy shows signs of slowing and markets are seeing greater volatility.


Both sides reaffirmed the strengthening of macroeconomic policy coordination and pragmatic cooperation on major bilateral and international economic and financial issues, as well as improving the playing field for investment.

Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.4805637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5709 >>5721

This should make all the muh Jew idiots ecstatic


JUST IN: GOP Leaders Blast Pelosi After She Appoints Radical Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar to Foreign Affairs Committee


Nancy Pelosi just appointed Ilhan Omar to the Foreign Affairs Committee. This is a shocking move even for Pelosi. Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is openly anti-semitic and anti-Israel so how can she be involved anywhere near anything to do with foreign relations?


Republican leaders came out to denounce the move and to call for Pelosi to rescind the appointment:


Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy:


“I would love to know what changed because Democratic leaders just promoted a pro-BDS Democrat to a key committee that deals with the State of Israel. Anti-Semitism has no place in Congress and certainly not on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.”

Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.4805698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The UN is gonna be pissed ..unless its actually for services rendered


EU to deliver 110 million in coming months to Rabat to stop emigration


The European Union will deliver additional 110 million euros in coming months to support Morocco' fight against illegal immigration.


That is according to EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini on a visit to the kingdom.


An installment of 30 million euros has already been transfered.


EU financial support is part of a global Moroccan strategy, which also includes a national policy for the integration of migrants.

Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 8:31 a.m. No.4805784   🗄️.is 🔗kun


already happening but as usual the MSM is silent about it. notice the date on this article


'Florida Democrats just voted to impose Sharia law on women,' bloggers say


By Amy Sherman on Thursday, May 8th, 2014 at 1:37 p.m.


In the final days of Florida’s legislative session, some conservative blogs claimed that they had unearthed the "real" war on women – a war being waged by Democrats.


"Florida Democrats just voted to impose Sharia law on women," read one headline April 30, 2014, on, a blogging platform for "conservative, libertarian, free market and pro-family writers."


The story explained: "Anyone who isn’t certain that Democrats are devoted to destroying America need only take a look at their despicable conduct in the Florida Senate. In a vote that never should have had to be taken, every single Democrat voted to force Sharia law on the people of Florida. By doing so, they placed women and children in very real danger. The vote was 24 votes for America and 14 votes for al-Qaida and the Taliban cast by loathsome Democrats."


The article said that elements of Sharia law include women being barred from voting, forced marriages for young girls, stoning to death of adulterous women and a requirement that women wear burqas – the full-body clothing required of women in some very traditional Islamic societies – when in public.


While we were distracted by the close of the legislative session and a hotly contested governor’s race, we somehow missed Democrats voting in favor of burqas and stoning. But readers have made clear to us that they want to know: Did Florida Democrats vote to impose Sharia law on women?

Anonymous ID: 0cb45a Jan. 18, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.4805916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How AI will find you in the crowd, without facial recognition


Media and privacy advocates have devoted a lot of attention to facial recognition as a means to identify, and then surveil, specific individuals in public. But facial recognition works far better on mugshots than in crowded public spaces where lighting, camera angles, and obscuring objects can’t be controlled. And yet the debate might soon be moot, thanks to Portuguese researchers who say artificial intelligence can detect and identify individuals without facial recognition. They know, because they tested it on zebrafish and flies.


Dubbed, their approach uses a convolutional neural network, or CNN, a method of deep learning that mimics, somewhat, the way human and other mammal brains make sense of the world around them. The brain’s cortex divides the visual field the way a map is divided into grids. Cell groups in the cortex overlap in the portion of the visual field that they “see,” enabling the brain to track objects across the entire field, from one grid to the next. CNNs play a big role in many facial recognition programs, but there is less research applying the technique to video of moving objects.


Rather than apply the neural network to a face, dividing it up into regions, the researchers applied it to the collective behavior of groups of zebrafish and flies. They showed that the network could teach itself to recognize individuals by their movements. They were above 99 percent accuracy for both zebrafish and flies.


Could you apply it to humans as easily? They describe the technique as “species agnostic,” so yes.