Anonymous ID: 43ff08 Jan. 18, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.4806946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6981 >>7059 >>7138


This might be a little of topic since I think everyone has kind of moved on…but since I wrote it….no sense in not posting it. Enjoy my rant. Kek. 🤗



These elite scum make me sick. They manipulate low IQ Dems. The rile up Blacks & have trained them like Pavlov's dog to see racism everywhere, in everything, and in everyone.

It's sickening.

We need to eliminate race questions on applications. We need to get rid of Affirmative Action. We need to start treating White people like they actually belong here & are wanted - and give them an EQUAL chance to compete on MERIT & let the best person win.


All these programs geared only for 13% of our population (Blacks) is wrong. They cite the violence & poverty….and also quote percentages …. but if you look at REAL numbers….there are more WHITE people living in poverty than Blacks. Actually nearly 3x as many whites.


25M Whites in poverty

9M Blacks in poverty


I was one of those kids. My mom was on welfare, Food stamps. Had a drug problem. I was first to graduate high school in my family. First to go to college. Became a nurse. When I looked for scholarships….everything said Black, Black, Black, African-American, NAACP, minority. There was NOTHING for me. It shouldn't be that way. We need to eliminate race as a "qualification".

There are literally college campuses that have authorized Black only dorms, Black only safe-spaces. We've got the Black caucus, NAACP, so many things wrapped around color. Yet they expect to move past racism???? How do you do that when you insert it into everything? Especially when you demonize the very people that are busting their asses to help you.

America had the shortest history of slavery. WHITE Americans fought & died to free slaves when there was no advantage in them doing so. Whites did it out of a sense of fairness & what was right. Americans are also the only country & race to have a physical majority & hold political majority & PURPOSEFULLY pass legislation that intentionally puts them & their posterity at a disadvantage in order to "make right" the wrongs of slavery - and give Blacks an advantage bound by law. All we've gotten in exchange is complaints, calls of being racists, greedy, holding them down, killing them, targeting them.


There is not one race that has not been victimized by another race at some point in time - including Whites. Why is it that every other race has been able to rise above their adversity & accomplish great things. Whites, Jews. but not Blacks.

The problem with America is Black victim mentality NOT White racism. We've also got a problem with out of control Black prejudice, hate, bias, & racism against Whites. and it's become accepted as the politically correct position to have.


I mean I can't tell you how many Whites I've seen call that call others Supremacists & Nazis & Racists. But when you ask them - of course they're not. And they're friends aren't. And their family isn't. Just everyone else. But that's what EVERYONE thinks. Why are Whites destroying one another. Our Genocide is happening because we're allowing it. We've let the fascist Leftist teachers force us to do African History month … which should ALSO be abolished (every race based program/policy/holiday/whatever needs eliminated.




Might not be popular…but this is OUR country. It's NOT a country of immigrants. It was a company founded by COLONISTS sent on LEGAL/OFFICIAL order to colonize America. We had slaves bc of economic reasons, bc everything was done by hand. Slaves weren't brought over as 'slaves'. They were brought over as indentured servants. They were freed after 7 yrs & given their own plot of land to work.

That changed when a former Black indentured servant named Anthony Johnson refused to let HIS Black indentured servant go after his 7 yrs was completed. He sued in court for the right to own him for life. So BLACKS are responsible for SLAVERY. Whites are responsible for FREEING them. No one knows this. History is taught in a way to shame White people so that we will give up our influence & power & relenquish our children's rights to be treated equally & fairly based on their own merit.


Anyways….that's my spiel. I'm just sick of the racism, disgusted at how Whites are accusing & treating each other, and fearful for our children's access to a fair chance to secure good futures.

Anonymous ID: 43ff08 Jan. 18, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.4807014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7078 >>7091


UK must fight. Civil war level brother. Serious. The EU is just a step in the Luciferian elite's plan to get to where they ultimately want…a one world government, one religion, one banking system world where THEY are the supreme leaders & we are the peasants.

The EU & UN are working to ease us into an NWO. Gradually get used to & accept our sovereignty being taken away, being told to make changes to our country that cripple us so that our countries will PURPOSEFULLY FAIL.

You cannot keep immigrating 3rd world rapists who have no education or skill set & expect a finite amount of people to support them & their multiple wives & hoardes of children who will have more hoardes of children until it is no longer YOUR country..but THEIR country.

They're already ungrateful POS. Imagine when they finally get the numbers.

Brits cannot let that happen. Stop reacting to racism accusations. Stand behind Tony Robinson, Niles Farage, Katie Hopkins among others.

WAKE YOUR FELLOW MAN UP. This is war bro. This is due or die. Our COUNTRIES are at stake.

Anonymous ID: 43ff08 Jan. 18, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.4807254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7307


Yeah, have you guys kept up on some of his recent speeches?

He's told his Catholics that to have a personal relationship with Jesus is dangerous, that they MUST pray to the Virgin Mary - that SHE is their hope & salvation, and what God wants us to be, and for the church to be.

The bible says JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father but by him.

The Pope is leading his sheep to slaughter. The Vatican does not worship Jesus.

Anonymous ID: 43ff08 Jan. 18, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.4807332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7340 >>7384 >>7442


My son is 12 years old. He is so woke. I'm so proud of him. He recognizes how MSM will frame questions, steer conversations, describe people in order to communicate what you should think. Who the good/bad players are supposed to be, He recognizes the gay agenda - even in "kid" shows on kid channels. Thank God. We need to wake every person not determined to stay willfully ignorant.