>>4805743 pb
>Domaine Chandon, Newton Vineyards to host wine dinner, Jan. 17, in Pala's underground cave
very bottom of article had logo for "Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Education Foundation" (srpf.org)
POTUS this AM: wine country - grapes - cave - TY law enforcement
Pedo-related Orgs?
Charitable foundations that focus on Kids & Nature Conservation … exact same business model as Maggie Nixon's dad (Bob Nixon) who owns Earth Conservation Corps (earthconservationcorps.org) in DC (focus on disenfranchised inner city DC youths) and Salmon Corps in Pacific Northwest that caters to poor Native American kids. He received federal grants for these and met with (then prez) Bill Clinton to discuss.
Just throwing this out there to connect some dots - in case these types of organizations are later found to be a potential threat to the children … these orgs looked to be almost cookie cutter -same mission, same focus, similar logos … reminded me of the Haiti kids, the troubled youth camps of Fiji, etc