"The very day I wrote the previous post on the secret plan of the death of Queen Elizabeth, news broke of a secret plan to inform the world of the death of Queen Elizabeth — Operation London Bridge."
Kazik established the communication bridge that linked Antek to the ZOB
members and other resistance elements. A bridge “shares information … and facilitates
coordination” (Kreps, 1986, p.220) between networks. Underground leadership is
typically isolated from the environment to limit exposure to hostile forces and delegates
the supervision of operations to intermediaries, lieutenants and deputies. Structurally, a
bridge is a “an organizational member who connects a [network] to which they belong
Message Switching
Message switches receive and hold a message until retrieved by the
correct agent. Frequently called a drop, dead drop, letterbox, etc. the switch may require a
special container to conceal the contents and blend with the environment. The switch
replaces the liaison with a temporary storage facility to retain the message until picked
up. Stanislav Lunev, former GRU Colonel and Soviet defector, used a container that
replicated a Coca Cola can that he retrieved from the roadside. “It was like one of those
cans with a screw lid that people buy in specialty stores to stash their jewelry and thwart
burglars, except this one was designed by the GRU to destroy its contents should it be
opened by someone other than the GRU” (Lunev, 1998, p.144).
receiving of 10 Commandments