Who is HRC REEEEALLY talking to here. Wtf.
To add to first image…what the f is up with these two also.
Same sort of tone and overal sketchiness. The one with the quote especially sounds like MKUltra triggers or some shit. "…What is it YOU plan to do with your one WILD AND PRECIOUS LIFE?" Perhaps…do something like carry out an ATTACK ON THAT EVIL MUH-FASCIST-ORANGE-DICK-TATER-NOT-MY-PREZDENT?
Then the other one…"VIOLENCE….LIVES ARE ON THE LINE…"
The fuck.
My thoughts exactly…that or something like it another similar attacker.
"Domestic violence", i read as VIOLENFE OCCURING DOMESTICALLY, as in on their home turf…in Waahington DC. Domestic violence.
Ah interesting point….yes believe so