Has anyone figured out where the GRAPES OF ROTH are stored?
And who is eating Gilbert Grape?
He's a bit deranged, I think (Gilbert I mean).
Has anyone figured out where the GRAPES OF ROTH are stored?
And who is eating Gilbert Grape?
He's a bit deranged, I think (Gilbert I mean).
Mine eyes haver seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord (Thor the Thunderer)
He is trampling out the vintage
Where the grapes of ROTH are stored
He has loosed the fateful lightning
Of his terrible swift sword (or hammer)
His truth is marching on, Saturday at 3 pm.
And now you know, why GOD cuased the prison to be located at Guantanamo Bay all those years ago. This whole PLAN was set in motion when the CIA decided to take over Cuba back in the 50's and use it as a tool to weaken the patriots in American Intelligence and eventually take over the Presidency in the Johnson coup of '63.