>>4810354 pb
>>4811198 pb
>>4811211 pb
Exactly, you can't even prove it's him.
It's his back.
Just illustrates how people don't use their eyes but just "take for granted" what they are told by the Mass Media.
BoreFango is up to the same stuff.
Q'" Jealousy. Claiming he's "Q"
He is a dangerous guy. Likely he's so desperate to discredit Q because he's afraid for his future should "Q prove authentic
I believe many know "Q" is authentic and are just waiting for POTUS to be assassinated so they can continue with the hateful charade.
Don't know . didn't follow close enough.
Evil spirit, gave me a headache years ago.
I know he's connected with people rumored to be pedos and to have "Alice servers" whatever that is.
His scum isn't just on the surface.
yes, he's stilling claiming he's "Q" and that he solved the "LARP"
somebodies busted him and he started threatening, then took down the threat vids and made a copyright claim against the vid that busted him