Hi, I'm NewFag, anybody want to give me and the other Boomers a rundown on how to do computers so we're less irritating?
Green text, bold text, gay sex, that kind of thing? <3 u faggots
Hi, I'm NewFag, anybody want to give me and the other Boomers a rundown on how to do computers so we're less irritating?
Green text, bold text, gay sex, that kind of thing? <3 u faggots
>Is that right?>
Thanks anon, you the bestiest
>Just wait 'til I unboomer my Boomer, then you'll see what's what
<Q said be nice to newfags
You're right- it was homegrown faggots. JIDF shills fucked right off
<SO many megapixels!
Doesn't have to be a Masonic conspiracy to be your basic trash
Only time these ding-dongs can string two words together is when they have a pre-established agenda
"S prolly the (((Jesuits))) tbh
<I heart the Krassenqueers, my tiny, beautiful bois