Anonymous ID: eef3b9 Jan. 18, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.4813189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3202 >>3232 >>3296

Do Dems seek hi-tech solutions to border security to pay off campaign donations?

Fri, Jan 18, 2019



Tucker Carlson with Terry Turchie, Former FBI Deputy Asst Director


Tucker observes that Nancy Pelosi sees the solution to border security in a "quasi-magical, digital wall on the border," and asks TT whether he thinks this approach would be more effective than a wall.


Turchie says no, but gives reasons why Pelosi is saying that:

"The reason is simple: The Democratic Party is simply OWNED by the technocrats in Silicon Valley.'''

"I worked in Palo Alto, in counterintelligence & terrorism there and had all kinds of contacts….and you could see this developing then.

"Silicon Valley depends upon cheap labor; they loved the B1 visa program….'We can bring in people cheaper.'

"They own the democrats and the democrats who turn have to do things for them….

"[Dems like Obama, HRC & Feinstein] have a solid march out to Silicon Valley's dinners, and thousand-a-plate lunches, and all of these other things. They have to deliver in return."

"Silicon Valley is for the democrats is the "new Union." People scratch their heads and wonder…'What have the democrats done? Why did they abandon the mid-Western statees and all the people they represent?' Because they have no money anymore. Silicon Valley has the money."


Turchie goes on to say that Silicon Valley is "pumping their ideology into some of the people they're helping get elected. It's very very dangerous, because Silicon Valley…is completely wrapped around the axle fo the intelligence services, from the Chinese to the Russians–even to our friends….


Tucker: I've never heard anybody say what you just said–[that] pushing a digital solution to everything is in effect a payoff to their campaign contributors. But now that you say it out loud, it's so clearly true, I hope you keep saying it."….


Turchie says this kind of approach requires constant updating [and hence, an steady income stream for Silicon Valley companies].


Tucker: "We've been scammed for 20 years and it's only now just dawning on us!"

Anonymous ID: eef3b9 Jan. 18, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.4813508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3523 >>3524 >>3541 >>3544 >>3569




On Jonathon Morgan's Trying To Make Sense Of The Alabama Controversy


This is an interesting article but mainly because it's chock full of lies. It's an elaborate rationalization for an unethical project that never should have been done.'


From the article:

>I approached Alabama as a testing grounds for a fake-news fighting app with some basic assumptions:


>'The office of the Presidency was compromised. Ongoing Russian information operations were taking place aimed at disrupting and degrading the American political process, and America was in significant ongoing danger from the effects of this in a way that our decision-makers were clearly unprepared to appreciate.'''


This basic premise is false and JM knows it.

Hence, it's a propaganda piece.