Anonymous ID: 9fefb4 Jan. 18, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.4815417   🗄️.is 🔗kun


do you not understand how psyops work?

they draw you in with legit info and once they have your trust, they lead you the wrong way

It's about controlling the narrative ….controlling public opinion. He has some legit info because it's Mossad that's feeding him this inside info. But how he leads people astray or how he helps lead a movement astray is where the danger lies.


Make no mistake. He's not the only disinfo shill out there. They send a population of operatives to create YouTube channels or twitter accounts and then they buy views and subscribers to gain legitimacy. They also all go on each other shows and support each other.

it's an operation to control people's opinions. be extremely careful who you watch and put your trust into

Anonymous ID: 9fefb4 Jan. 18, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.4815550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5633 >>5816


you do understand that essentially you are destroying her current "world view"

People naturally resist that…even fight against it.

She will cling to what she has always known to prevent the feeling that the world is falling apart around her or that she's vulnerable in an evil world. That knowledge sends many people into a depression. Some people believe we live in a type of Disney Land where almost everyone is good. It feels safe there…comfortable…even if it's all a lie.

45 min is not long enough for her to let go and let the fear and knowledge of evil infecting our beloved institutions wash over her

Anonymous ID: 9fefb4 Jan. 18, 2019, 9:41 p.m. No.4815759   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no one said he turned

until evidence says otherwise he is on the chopping block with the rest.

He was skull and bones like his daddy. He was "chosen" to be president. And you can't tell me Laura wasn't full of piss and vinegar after reading what was in that envelope. She's part of the evil too