Anonymous ID: de4f23 Jan. 18, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.4815617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>At the worst the Jews are the top of the Pyramid themselves now.


>At the best the Jews are the SS of the NWO. The only ones trusted to run the banks, the media, the blackmailing of the politicians. They are the single most important tool of the NWO and likely the NWO could not function anywhere near as well as they do now.


>These are the two options. So everyone has to get their Jew rage out of their system so only the truly criminal guilty are prosecuted. The rest of the Jews. The ones less criminally at fault will have to face the fact that their culture and religion were used to enslave all of mankind and act as the muscle for Satanic slaughters of millions of people around the world. Many many times in excess of the fake Holohaux.


>This is where we are at.


I think the Jews are the SS personally. The question then is who are they the SS for?