Great discussions, one needs to also evaluate the impact and likely outcomes of a person suffering from Mental Illness.
1) Knowing that you may loose your rights as a Citizen, will you simply refuse to get treatment or acknowledge there is an issue in order to protect your rights as an American? Yes. so what does that leave you with? A person that has both guns and a dangerous untreated mental condition.
2) Is this action legal with the proper Due Process to prevent abuse by the people in power with political agendas? I would say not because we already have legal processes that use Due Process to declare people mentally unfit.
3) What was the real cause of the issue: It was a setup false flag from the Gate. This guy would not have continued to be a threat to anyone had it not been the for the CIA/FBI/Sheriff Corruption which fostered and nurtured this event into existence so they could use it as a justification for a gun grab.
We do not need more Gun Control we need CIA/FBI Nigger control