Anonymous ID: 114776 Jan. 19, 2019, 12:17 a.m. No.4817188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7258


The same people who defend the hatred for Joos based on the many Talmud misquotes are the same maroons who keep posting about letters to Albert Pike, that with just the slightest bit of research you find that the letters don't exist, and never have. See, extremism isn't limited to the left. The energy behind right wing extremism can, however, be harnessed and used, which is what I'm certain Q and mil intelligence is doing here on 8chan. Part of the problem is being used to help propagate the solution, while simultaneously exposing exactly what the problem on the ideological right is. At some point they will set straight the nut cases here.

Anonymous ID: 114776 Jan. 19, 2019, 12:31 a.m. No.4817268   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Talmud misquote commentary aside, this is a reality. To the extent Jews are deep in the pit of the manipulation and control, they have to be held accountable. It does appear they have become a criminal organization, which has become a problem for all of them, unfortunately.

Anonymous ID: 114776 Jan. 19, 2019, 12:42 a.m. No.4817356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7390 >>7411 >>7429


A lot has been made about this place being targeted for shilling by (((them))). It is a way, of course, to keep people offended, distracted, and ultimately divided. I dount doubt there is a percentage of that here, but there is also a considerable element that are out of their minds. Just really fucked up people, who may or may not have any political or spiritual leanings left or right. It's a fun place to be an asshole and get away with it. There are also a lot of right wing psychos with visions of nazi storm troopers marching triumphantly inside their heads. This is a nice collecting place for them. Minds unable to fathom right and wrong, or decipher problems and come up with solutions. Just enough synapses to click away at a keyboard and delight in reading their own posts, and all the angry responses.