Quit spreading false hyped up exaggerated distorted propaganda for profit.
It's a War On Chronic Pain Patients and an illegal heroin and fentanyl Crisis…Not A Doctor Prescribed Opioid Crisis.
The illegal heroin and fentanyl is brought in from China, Mexican Drug Cartels and M-13 gangs.
The the CDC admitted that it has been over-counting prescription opioid overdose deaths by erroneously categorizing street fentanyl as a “prescription opioid”.
So why the hype or distortions?
So that more tax payer money, and $$$$ revenue are diverted to 2 Big Pharmas rehab drugs, rehab clinics, half-way houses, group homes, pain clinics, TENS, BIOFEEDBACK…that have patients rejected after those pain treatments failed.
While chronic pain patients treated like drug addicts, dropped by their Doctors, forced to buy illegal drugs on the streets or commit suicide.
Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny MD Psychiatrist, is the founder and Executive Director of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP), anti-opioid extremists group who ran the Phoenix House chain of so called “non-profit” addiction treatment centers and responsible for the 2016 CDC Guidelines and increasing the pharmaceutical levels of all opioid, reclassifying them to insane levels. He is neither qualified nor Board Certified in pain management that has no medical expertise in the field of pain management, treating chronic pain patients whatsoever.
Addiction treatment & rehab centers bring in lifetime profits. U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adm. Estimated the market for addiction treatment at about $35 Billion back in 2014.
The insurance companies told the rehabs that they would no longer pay for inpatient rehab for heroin, cocaine or alcohol unless there was also another “psychiatric disorder like bipolar disorder or major depression” linked with their addiction. Which now primary care physicians are pressured into doing, as well….even if their chronic pain patients are not either depressed or suffering from any psychiatric disorder.
Add a new diagnosis to the mix and throw a few more psychiatric drugs at their now relabeled “dual diagnosis”.
The treatment model essentially tells patients nothing really can be done about their addiction except to provide them more drugs, sometimes for life.
The now called substance abuser never recovers, but simply stays hooked on another or multiple drugs, while Big Pharma & rehab centers, pain clinics cash in big time (mostly from the tax payers).