his arm in a sling, an IV site, pillow for some form of comfort at rest…..was he attacked? Car accident?
his arm in a sling, an IV site, pillow for some form of comfort at rest…..was he attacked? Car accident?
someone get to him while incarcerated? Did his sentence even begin?
kek…been sayin that since it came out…sometimes it's better to let em come to the proper conclusions themselves with little help
well, as there is no black eye, it is quite interesting….you would think being a high profile "witness" AND a sentenced felon, he would have security detail….wonder where they were when he got his ass kicked…cause that is what it looks like
was partially my point……the "wonder where" was sarcastic…..
kitchen about to heat up folks…..dayshift incoming…sword anon here yet?
as in "locked up"
that is NOT Bush…telling ya…..
still an aspiring baker and 5:5 on the trick breads. Thanks for wading through the shit for us.
yes it is….even if it were due to character limitation, it would imply number of characters is as important as the message……
dash vrs minus…..
yes actually….it is a form of manipulative discovery….
when you understand an enemy simply doesn't play fair, you must do the same.
wait wait wait….who gave the order to MS-13 to hit Seth?
so HRC is off the table in those matters…nah…….