I see the Talmud (disgusting satanic shit) made the notables. Then, in the same breath, not all jews are bad people.
Have you heard of the bar (boys) or bat (girls) mitvah? I can guarantee you every kike in the whitehouse has gone through it.
It means, coming of age, or ripe for the pedos.
It not a tradition in the bible (Torah), it's a ritual from the Talmud (satanic)
And the bible. Moses brings down the tablets, that says, though shalt not kill, then kills a bunch of his own people for making the Golden Calf. Then, leads the people into the promised land, where they proceed to murder and take slaves and worship idol.
Davids son, Solomon, made a statue of Molech on a hill overlooking Jerusalem.
The Jews, not the Romans, murdered Jesus..
And Trump is not going to deliver shit today in his speech. More pompous and fluff, to keep you people hanging in there, until the 3 1/2 yrs of the reign of the antichrist are up, and then we are all fucked.
Lastly, I took this image of Trump "praying" in the whitehouse from last bread.
Look who he's praying with. None of these fuckers know a fucking thing about God, charity, etc….
Sorry, I've been on the Trump Train for a long time now, even went to rally during campaign.
But I've read the writing on the wall. Kushner, his son in law, with extraordinary power, undeserved.
He's taken mountains of cash from wealthy Jews, and in turn gives them medals, and makes laws for them protecting them….
This shit stops here…
I am not here to bring peace, but to wage war against the evil which deceives even the elect.