Anonymous ID: edf64f Jan. 19, 2019, 8:05 a.m. No.4820178   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22:35 to 23:35 (nice digits) of this Fox News segment of Fox & Friends is ALL RBG-is-dead comms. Watch it several times, if necessary. ''Watch it like the SOLE PURPOSE of it is conveying comms (because it is), and the surface stories are only chosen to facilitate the comms.'' I've been doing this on and off for months… the beneath-the-surface comms that go on during "news" shows is staggering if you can develop eyes to see.


They memorialize someone who died "of pneumonia" LAST APRIL (been dead a while)… they add a "D" in his middle name that isn't there to give it the "DER" in "baDER"… First initial is 'R'… you'll understand if you watch… he got full military honors (like a State Funeral) in a DELAYED Arlington Cemetary burial… it's immediately followed by a segment on a TEXAS MOVIE THEATRE (Lee Harvey Oswald-esque?) that caters to DOGS… "dog gone" expression is used… multiple talk of "vaccinations"… unlimited wine… "keep your dog on its leash"… I'm missing a bunch of clues, but I caught enough to know quite certainly what I was seeing.

Anonymous ID: edf64f Jan. 19, 2019, 8:10 a.m. No.4820255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just now noticing the fake KEYSTONE in that garage/man"cave" arch. Senior Executive Service symbol is a keystone. Is this symbolism that SES will be furloughed/unemployed like these Sec Svc Agents in the pic are?

Anonymous ID: edf64f Jan. 19, 2019, 8:25 a.m. No.4820409   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Wealth makes it HARDER, I have little doubt. More temptation to do wicked stuff, prioritize money, bend/break rules/laws to get there… but to say no one rich can make it to heaven is just wrong, and to say the Bible advocates solely for poverty is wrong too. "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Law of sewing and reaping is loaded with "give and it shall be given 30, 60 100 fold" or "Pressed down, skaken together and overflowing it shall be given unto you" or "test me in this says the Lord… see if I will not pour out so much blessing you will not have room enough to contain it" and "ALWAYS having ALL sufficiency in ALL things that you may be able to ABOUND to EVERY good work." None of these are describing poverty or po-peeps behavior. But it DOES take a disciplined person… "to whom much is given much is required" comes to mind. I was once a self-made millionaire… lost basically all of it. I didn't handle that wealth very well from a spiritual standpoint, so I'm not arguing from the standpoint that it's all fine and good or easy.