Circling the Square, A More Well Rounded Person (Wouldn't let me embed)
This is an interesting video, showcasing the masonic symbolism with the Statue of Liberty. The interesting part, aside from further conformation that the social elite ALWAYS intended to bastardize male masculinity as a means of destroying America, has to do with what this guy says at the end of this video. He says that symbols are left to the eye of the beholder. If a symbol MEANS something else to you, them that's what it means TO YOU!
Of course, the POINT of Masonic symbolism is that it is HIDDEN! Those who know the truth of the world are the ones who can stand on top that pyramid, and they can see all and control all. When you're up on top of that pyramid, you get fat and lazy, but these Illuminati masonic forces had everything so carefully planned out, like a fine-tooth comb. In their minds, there could be no room for error. As far as they were concerned, there was none.
Even with all their symbolism, the social elite never understood that no plan is perfect, that any attempts of "Squaring the Circle" will never go in the way that they planned or intended, much like Richard Attenborough cloning dinosaurs, creating Jurassic Park, and then hiring that fat looser from Seinfeld to run your security systems.
That is to say that the ACT of "Squaring the Circle" is an impossible feat unto itself, even with all the CIA mind control tactics that are used on us. This board is a perfect example of that. The Q movement as a whole, even more so. The Virtuvian Man of The United States of America is one who aims to CIRCLE THE SQUARE, not square the circle. In layman's terms, let's call it being a more "Well Rounded Person."
The social elites never understood that archetypes can be rendered meaningless, that they be flipped around on them! Yes, I could see the likelihood that you could never get rid of all these baby-killing, owl god worshipers. You might be able to remove them from this "Masonic Atlantis" of ours, but removing them from the entire planet doesn't seem feasible to me. I could be wrong.
Still, as far as my limited understanding of quantum physics goes, if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, then there is no sound. The tree ITSELF cannot exist, by some vain concept of Schrödinger's cat. That was (((their))) intent, to make us like a falling tree that never existed outside of it's own physical dimensions. That was their intent, through these talks of diversity and not ADVERSITY, through these comfortably numb walls, intended to separate us and bind us to our inevitable fate.
The things that you derive value and inspiration from encompasses YOUR view of reality, and if that view of reality is shared by hundreds of millions of people all over the globe, then that is the reality that will be more firmly rooted within the passages of time. Those at the top do not realize that power and control can be swiped from them the moment they let their guard down, and with it, so can their symbols, and all meaning therein. The wealthy families and their Federal Reserve ponzi schemes can do nothing to change that.
Besides, symbols only MEAN whatever they mean to the person who sees it, and if they just see a weird grouping of meaningless lines, then that's the reality that is conjured. I suspect that the deeper intention of Masonic symbolism is to INJECT a subtle version of (((their))) "truth" into the minds of the sheep. The more well intentioned who can identify these symbols can SUBVERT and PERVERT the meaning of these so-called truths, and that's something that needs to be done, even more so than what internet memes could ever accomplish! This is a long-term strategy that can only be carried out under the rule of TRUE freedom and liberty!
George Carlin said that he wanted to to leave symbols to the simple-minded, but today, the simple-minded are the ones with Antifa masks, fighting "fascists" while acting like the REAL FASCISTS! The simple-minded are the ones who will always watch SNL, or Jimmy Kimmel, or talk about self-absorbing, brain-numbing things of no consequence to anybody but themselves. The simple-minded need to get back to being that stoner, grunge-era douchebag stereotype that was prevalent back in the nineties. On average, they were happier, and I liked them better that way, even if they did parade around Austin, TX back then, showing people Madonna's pap smear.