Unconfirmed reports say unconfirmed reports are bullshit or ex-FBI employees muddying up the 4am talking points.
And a happy National Popcorn day to you too anon.
Unfortunately, no.
bien joué
Concernfagging gets you know where. Eventually you will get to the point where you realize this plan wasn't organized by a bunch of sheep fuckers (i.e. Brenna, Hussesein, Valerie Jarrett). Also if MI feels comfortable enough to share details and crumbs in an open forum, got to think it's sort of in the bag already.
Definitely not a girl to bring home to mom and dad, possibly not even sure if your dog should meet this one.
The minute on the January 19th, 2018 Q post was :02
Questions earlier today if this Nationalization ceremony was a real thing or not. Guess it was. It was said it was closed off to the media, hope we get some photos out of it.