how are we reading Q's post →
CNN (townhall) was setup.
CNN was setup (by white hats)
or are we still unclear of meaning?
how are we reading Q's post →
CNN (townhall) was setup.
CNN was setup (by white hats)
or are we still unclear of meaning?
confirm. diagnosed w/ 2 primary cancers in 2014 → went holistic and found excellent energy medicine doc/chiro -→ 4 yrs this sept. and feeling awesome. we are THRIVERS, not survivors. F big pharma. F chemo. F them all.
called the WH yesterday and voiced my opposition to any curtailment of our 2A rights.
ridiculous to enlist at 18 and have wait to 21 to leg. purchase firearm.
ridiculous to ban bumps; we still have no where near the firepower the gov't has. fyi, 2A isn't about hunting.
roger that, anon, good job
i think a lot of "testing" goes on in the elementary schools → looking for the high IQs, looking for the "subjects" who would be amenable to "therapy" etc.
yep. got that.
(((they))) could dump any # of toxic chems in our water supplies, but imo the plan was fentanyl.
nope (and i've been waiting for someone to mention SJ). he was not one of (((them))) - steve wasn't playing ball on all the back doors. no help for him.
can you think of any others?
i can't. (((they))) do not die from cancer.
not in my area they don't – a gal of org whole milk is $6 in all stores.
raw milk even more expensive, if you can even find a farmer
2 pics of challenge coins → same ones BO of previous board was given anonymously. we spent a lot of time trying to figure out the symbolism.
meme anons → plz get on this: no one joins the NRA for airline and car rental discounts!!!!!!!!