I am jumping in without being caught up on intermediate breads. Pardon if this has already been mentioned. The DoE Supercomputers Deep Dig informant posted a photo that was likely the BRIDGE of the USS Pueblo, captured by North Korea in 1968 and still in their custody to this day. The BRIDGE was outfitted with the US Navy's top of the line encryption gear made by EG&G. Said gear was reverse engineered by the Soviet Union during that Cold War era. That USN crypto gear remained in service through the 1980s.
Posts (jumps threads– you'll want to keep this post open for navigation and open a new tab to pursue the Pueblo) with images and discussion of USS Pueblo's encryption gear.
Although this may seem far-fetched, Anons turn over every stone in the search to connect the dots. There is a reason why the USS Pueblo was dropped several weeks ago.