How about Q warn us that The president is just going to REPEAT what we already know. That was a waste of time and my blood pressure is up! If the damn address is for the nation… my GOD I've known all this since I was a kid COME ON NOW! SMDH!
*normies not nation
Well I don't think we built this country relying on one person to save us. I think a bunch of people went out with weapons and took shit into their own hands!!!! SMDH!
No everyone too busy on the chans making memes!!! While FUNNY and a good comic relief.. California has been taken over by leftists taxing us into nowhere, burning people out of their homes, sanctuary for people who filtering in here….. Jesus Christ a bunch of crybabies when are REAL MEN going to step up and take back this country… meanwhile another state of the address exposing what I HAVE LONG KNOWN…. all a bunch of pussy's still on social networks crying MUH CENSORSHIP!
UNDERGROUND… go back to snail mail and PLAN A TAKE DOWN of the CRIMIANLS… no but I need muh Iphone and internet! FUCK THIS!
All talk and no play makes Jack a dull boy!