Q needs to post another pic of a fancy watch or some other luxury accessory ASAP.
The retards need to keep their minds occuppied to keep them from realizing they got conned.
Q needs to post another pic of a fancy watch or some other luxury accessory ASAP.
The retards need to keep their minds occuppied to keep them from realizing they got conned.
They are winning.
They got Trump to cuck out on DACA without conceding a fucking thing.
And they will probably hold out for more.
I would.
How dumb are you?
I think it should be an item made of gold.
It would serve to remind the Qtards that TRUMP is wealthy and better than them.
And also, muh "Gold shalpl destroy the FED"
>up front he knows he cant send them all back
he can try.
He's fucking giving them SS numbers.
Admit you were conned, asshole