I don’t understand how they are calling this a hostage situation.
The democrats ever offered up anything, to include DACA, for the negotiating table.
Trump could give every illegal in the country immediate citizenship, fund every sanctuary city, put a liberal on the supreme court, give planned parenthood $500 billion, take away guns, take away first amendment, make the country officially a socialist country and they STILL wouldn’t give him money for the wall.
Why? because they would lose their 2nd class illegal slaves, and Nancy Pelosi would take a direct and personal financial hit at her vineyards. Those caves she has? Interesting that she doesn’t to reduce enough grapes a year to warrant cave storage. Also,her grapes are MASSIVELY overpriced for the area.
I think she uses illegals on her vineyards, She launders money through the sale of her grapes, and I think there is something much more insidious with her caves. Just MHO after digging the past three days on it all.