Expands catch and release….no fucking way.
>“It puts a legal forcefield around illegal aliens,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies. She said the expanded catch and release law “creates an even stronger magnet for people to come north than the original [2012] DACA did,” adding, “We see how these smugglers market the [federal government’s] catch-and-release policies already. So we’re going to see every town [in Central America] empty out as teens and people in their 20s and even 30s try to get here.”
This is insane. Yeah ok the dems already said NOPE…but he said there's already a bill…blah blah.
IF he expands catch and release and does not fucking deport the illegals here already…just say NOPE in 2020. Promises made…the ONE thing that was most important to this country and he's like…oh well.
FUCKINA…illegals sucking the IRS dry–anyone know how to get in on that game as there is no punishment why the hell shouldn't we all get in on that game?
SUCKING our welfare/medical system dry leaving citizens hanging by financial threads….seriously why don't we all make illegal alien alters and start fucking the government right back up the ass the way they've been fucking us over?
If he does this…we are done anyway so it really doesn't matter…2020…the ONE THING and he's fucking it up.