Anonymous ID: ef7a73 Jan. 19, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.4826021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6053 >>6088 >>6144 >>6238 >>6336 >>6353 >>6447 >>6537

On 23 and Me's Sharing of your "Genetic Data"


Ex-pharmafag here. Anon claimed a few bread's ago that they shared your data and you couldn't opt out. To follow up, there's a trick they use by not making a clear distinction btwn "personal information," (non-genetic data) and your actual DNA sequences, the "A's, G's, C's & T's" of your "genetic data."


Their current privacy policy does appear to allow an opt out, but it's for "personal information," which they all call "identifying information," such as your name etc. which you can choose to put in their database to share with others facebook-style and, once input, can further choose to what extent you want 23 and Me and their affiliates to share that data. Note this includes cookies and Web use tracking info, exactly like all SocMed.


You'll notice the only specific reference they make to sharing "genetic data" as far as privacy protection is to comply with HIPAA, which is to stipulate they can't share what amounts to health-info with insurance or employers. No promise not to share with any and all "research" groups however. Rather, you explicitly agree to it in their Terms of Service, they just obfuscate it by playing sleight-of-hand with definitions of terms.


I grilled them over how the genetic data was shared in an extended email convo circa 2014, trying to get an answer on whether and how they did, and whether a user could opt out from it. The answer was, yes, they share everyone's genetic data for purposes of "research" and no, there was no opting out. But I was assured that since they only shared it anonymously (no name attached unless you opted in to share it) customers were still protected, "It's just research, goy. To help us make better medicines ya know. What you don't believe in Science?"


Of course now that they've sold to GlaxoSmithKlein, who would have access to all of it, you can be sure that data will be sold & even patented, including your "personal info." Even if they assure you about "muh privacy" there are so many avenues of plausible deniability they can claim if they get caught pulling a fast one – oops, didn't mean to include your data in the opt-in group, Sowwwy. Or how about a data breach – these fuckers love leaks after all.


We The People need to start asking, what oversight do we have against such abuses? Who's guarding this particular hen-house? And, if caught, who would prosecute? The system of corrupt judges that would adjudicate such cases work for the same overlords Pharma and Big Tech do, they're all in bed together.


When the political/military/immigration/justice/intel/financial matters in the first tier of the Q plan are sorted, POTUS is going after Pharma and Big Tech next, I have no doubt.

Anonymous ID: ef7a73 Jan. 19, 2019, 3:12 p.m. No.4826353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>4826021 pharmafag on 23 and me (anon theory)


Thanks for baking, baker.


To clarify, the analysis I provided isn't really a theory. I made a sauced claim that they don't give any indication you can opt out of sharing genetic data for research purposes. Nowhere in this privacy policy page I sauced do they say your genetic data is protected outside of that one HIPAA stipulation. I bolstered it with unsauced, anecdotal info, but the analysis is still supported w/o it.


I'll see if I can find the fine print in the ToS where you actually agree to the data sharing. I remember when I looked for it years ago it wasn't easy to find. But even the language on the privacy page implies you consent to all, and opt out to particulars, not the other way around. And they don't give you an opt-out option on genetic data.


Although I do concede there is additional speculation to my analysis both re: whether they'd intentionally share your identifying info even if you opted out, and that POTUS will address these issues. So if you want to call the whole thing a theory cuz of that, I can see why. Otherwise perhaps replace "(anon theory)" with "and data sharing"?


Thanks again