>Constitutional Republic
… only so long as we can keep it.
Fuck, over half the tards voting can't even name it much less describe it.
But I trust the plan. Brainwashed useful-idiot nigs'll have their shit straightened out eventually.
But this forced wealth-distribution has to stop.
It's what turns "democracy" into communism.
Universal suffrage leads to it every time.
Our original constitution didn't have it.
Land-owners only.
Not sure how to address it moving forward,
but as long as you have more voters
willing to steal someone else's
rather than make/earn their own,
you'll have communism.
They won't let you gamble in Vegas
w/o putting up collateral to back your losses.
It seems fair that only stake-holders
should get a vote in how their goods are managed.
Charity used to be voluntary,
it was enforced socially, not politically.
This put some pressure on the receivers
to be worthy of the charity.
It lended dignity both the giver and the receiver.
Instead we're surrounded by criminal animals
bleeding the middle class producers
from the top & bottom.
Muh Democracy.