>>4826636 lb
Wow now Trump doesn't know how to negotiate but look at NK, NAFTA, China lmao who doesn't know how now?
>>4826636 lb
Wow now Trump doesn't know how to negotiate but look at NK, NAFTA, China lmao who doesn't know how now?
Do you even speak english?
Never fear Mr Schumer hostages no more Trump is about to set them all free to go find jobs anywhere they want
She has the potential to be a fun date if you have ductape
Tom is right tho. But so was Trump to offer because he knew they still wouldn't take the deal Win/Win
Nope only on you and your feels because you are a fragile twat
Yep no doubt a bunch of mammas boys had their feels hurt. I call it comedy for day
Now you see why Soros is banned from his own birth country and why Russia has a price on his head
Trump leaked it. You do understand that right?
You're to dumb to be MAGA. Good luck