Anonymous ID: 64f06d Jan. 19, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.4828908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8935 >>8949 >>8969

>>4828785 Whatever they intended to pull, our side knew. POTUS stops them cold while punking the whole mob. The fact that POTUS mentioned Egypt as one of their destinations, and that they then denied it, indicates that they intended to stop in Cairo for some sort of nasty business.


They could have stopped in Brussels first, as announced, then made like they were headed to Afghanistan, then made a sudden dash for Egypt. Reckon a little $10 million cash bribe (or whatever it takes), would do wonders about getting a plane down with no hassling.


All speculation, but what would they do then? No way in hell they would agree to stay in Egypt or anywhere else in Africa. Too dangerous. So it would be a stop in Egypt (with a change of transport) on the way to another destination. Somewhere in the Gulf where one can live a wealthy life without extradition?