Anonymous ID: 36569f Jan. 19, 2019, 7:50 p.m. No.4829553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9590 >>9594 >>9613 >>9626 >>9636 >>9647 >>9666 >>9686 >>9710

Please anons, your dedication and works are much appreciated, truly.

But frankly speaking, you must put down your ego and really understand

that the insiders already have all the information that is needed to carry out

this plan successfully.

What we need you to do is to keep pushing yourself to wake up further and further.

No matter how you think, you are not fully awake.

This is not just "political" war.

We are waiting for you to become aware of the scale of this war.

Earth is just one small planet in one star system.

There is a reason why for thousands of years, religions were core part of every single civilization that were once here/still here.

But now is the time we need to truly understand that

being religious doesn't mean being spiritual.

Being spiritual (acknowledging that soul/spirit exist, that we are not just

mind and body) is not same as being religious.

Every religion started spiritually but have morphed in to something perverted.

You Must Understand Every Perversion THEY Have Created.

I sincerely hope that all of you will realize and truly understand

the scale of this war and what it means in near future.