Anonymous ID: 624755 Jan. 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m. No.4829302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1/14 Santa Fe archbishop agrees to open lawsuit records


1/17 Scandal-scarred American Catholic Church approaches a crossroad

With a Vatican summit on priestly abuse scheduled next month, the U.S. church is again being shaken by questions about two of its most prominent figures.


1/19 Pain mingles with acceptance as closed Catholic churches are sold


1/19 Abuse victim launches case against pope and ‘criminal’ Catholic church


1/19 Madison's Catholic diocese considers probe of its abuse cases


1/19 Catholic educator Patricia DeMoully dies in St. Paul

Not even 5 feet tall, DeMoully is remembered as a giant in the schools where she taught and served as a principal for nearly five decades.


1/19 Harold Johnson: Corruption in the Catholic Church


1/19 Switzerland : World economy wobbles on eve of Davos with politics to blame

Anonymous ID: 624755 Jan. 19, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.4829397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9438 >>9459 >>9492

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.41 📁

Jan 19 2018 03:11:44 (EST)

Why are American taxpayers subsidizing Tesla?

Welfare for the rich.


Private emails: GOOG: NK: Tesla





Tesla & The Taxpayer — #Pravduh About Subsidies

In a mid-December Eurasia Review op-ed piece, Allan C. Brownfeld critiqued Tesla as being little more than “Elon Musks’s [sic] Taxpayer-Funded Gravy Train.” Is this accurate? Is Tesla using taxpayer dollars to create a series of businesses? And, if so, are any of the contracts, incentives, or loans of which Tesla has taken advantage illegal or unethical? Let’s play “Tesla and the Taxpayer: True or False” to figure this out, shall we?


Tesla Powerwall gets a massive boost in Australia with ~50% subsidy for up to 40,000 homes

Tesla already has its giant virtual power plant project with Powerwalls in South Australia, but a change in government during the implementation of the project has led to a weird situation.

Anonymous ID: 624755 Jan. 19, 2019, 7:41 p.m. No.4829459   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mr Musk did not release an estimate of the employment hit but the company had 45,000 employees in October, suggesting about 3,150 would be cut.


Mr Musk, who originally conceived of the Model 3 as a reasonably priced option for consumers who could not pay the lofty prices of its first two vehicles, said action was needed if the company was to succeed in its mission of challenging conventional autos.


"While we have made great progress, our products are still too expensive for most people," Mr Musk said in a blog post announcing the layoffs.


"We need to continue making progress towards lower priced variants of Model 3."


Loss of US subsidy


Tesla's most affordable offering is currently a less-endowed version of the Model 3 at US$44,000, a car that sells for as much as US$59,000 with more features. Tesla originally discussed a price-tag of US$35,000 for the car.

Anonymous ID: 624755 Jan. 19, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.4829492   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hyundai Kona Electric Premium SE 64kWh | Eurekar


SAY hello to a game changer. The all-electric Hyundai Kona could be the most on-trend car in years and make you look anew at your motoring life.


If that sounds more hype than reason, consider the following: here is a car that will take you 300 miles for peanuts and without worrying about running out of battery power.


Before the Kona arrived the only drivers who could look that smug were driving a Tesla. And those cost at least twice the price of the new Hyundai and take up a lot more road space than this modestly dimensioned SUV.


Then look at the price of topping up the (electric) tank. Do it at home on off-peak electricity and my energy provider would charge (sorry) a precise £7.46 to let the Kona travel 290 miles.


Slip into a diesel doing 50mpg and that same (now smelly) tankful would cost £36.13 to cover the same distance.

Anonymous ID: 624755 Jan. 19, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.4829564   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“Do the right thing every day and usually things will work out- but not always,” he said. “Usually they work out. I told someone at least in the United States, they fire you, they don’t shoot you.”


Sessions limited his one-on-one interview with ABC 33/40 to only questions about the attorney general’s office in Montgomery, as we were at an event honoring Steve Marshall.


Sessions said the office has changed since he was Alabama Attorney General, more than 20 years ago.


“I thought it had probably grown more in numbers, but we dropped down because of a budget crisis when I became attorney general, a lot,” he said. “And they’re still lower than they were when I became Attorney General.”


Sessions praised Marshall and his team for the work they are doing, saying he has complete confidence in the office.


He also offered insight on America’s legal system, based on his most recent service.


“I don’t have words to express how grateful we should be about it and how we should work to protect it,” he said. “If we maintain the word of law where power and politics and special influence don’t control what objectivity and fairness is the rule, this country will remain strong. If we let that get away from us, it will be a monumental reduction in our greatness of America.”

For the first time since former United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions returned home to Alabama after being fired, he gave ABC 33/40 an exclusive interview.


We talked with Sessions after Monday's inaugural activities in Montgomery. He agreed to the interview, however, he also limited what topics could be asked about.


During a speech at Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s inaugural reception, Sessions sparked laughter through his audience.


Sessions has not said whether he plans to seek another political office in 2020, including his former Senate seat now held by Democrat Doug Jones.


As his last move before resigning as U.S. attorney general in October, former Sen. Jeff Sessions signed a memo making it much more difficult for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to enter into binding court agreements with police departments accused of civil rights violations.


It was a parting shot at Sessions' longtime ideological enemies, groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and his department's own Civil Rights Division, writes C.J. Ciaramella.

Anonymous ID: 624755 Jan. 19, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.4829618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.47 📁

Jan 21 2018 14:06:20 (EST)

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?


Trump Administration Takes Aim At Online Gambling In Sudden Wire Act Reversal




The DOJ’s opinion paved the way for six states to launch online lottery sales, the formation of a multi-state poker liquidity sharing pact between Delaware, Nevada, and New Jersey, the rebirth of legal internet poker, and the rise of intrastate online casinos.


Then Trump’s DOJ dropped the hammer.