>Sub Organized Collective Intelligence
What's the quick rundown on what that means?
Does that mean like AI or something?
I'm sure that there's some sort of computer assistance, but the posts seem to be human-entered.
What ethnicity is this?
Check this redpill out
So it is a type of swarm intelligence
Decentralized AI? wondering.
Sounds legit, I thought something similar when I was brainstorming the value of these breads.
I think Pulp Fiction is a good example of how storylines can weave together and even be shown out of order while still making sense
Of course Tarantino just stole that idea from a book he liked.
Sounds reasonable.
That's always the assumption that I've worked with as I try and figure out the drops.
The other possible definitions of what Q is are more entertaining tho
Clockfags BTFO
That guy is a jew