Anonymous ID: 56e38d Jan. 19, 2019, 9:30 p.m. No.4830599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0627 >>1079 >>1122 >>1130 >>1136 >>1194

>>4829871 lb

Good shit. Couldn't find a single thing I disagreed with. I still think Q's apparent dissing of National Socialist Germany is necessary disinfo to track with this stage of the general Awakening. I don't doubt Hitler could have been a puppet in certain ways, he wasn't a born soldier or statesman, he became both out of necessity and love for his country and countrymen. He was an artist, an idealist, by nature, the "reluctant hero" trope. I'd hazard, also an autist. This personality type isn't always suspicious enough to suss out the most sophisticated long-game subversion ops against them. But if you study the true history of his rise to power and what he did for his people, it's clear he was motivated by good – his people loved him for it, in and outside of Germany – and that he achieved great things for Germany, pulling it out of economic and cultural collapse and rehabilitating it into a happy, thriving nation without wrongfully dispossessing anyone. But he was just a man among greater forces, like POTUS today.


Those of you that still believe he holocausted Jews or planned to take over the world, these are slanders, they're not true. It's fake news told by the same people telling us fake news today. Those detainees housed in camps were either caught in the act of being active subversives or people rescued from Bolshevik occupation, they weren't even all Jews. They were well treated until supply lines were cut off by the allies after which time all Germans everywhere suffered disease and starvation. The deaths were primarily from Typhus carried by lice. Zyklon B was a delousing agent used on clothing developed to help them avoid the disease, not used to "gas" anyone. The ovens were used to dispose of those that died from these causes so the disease wouldn't spread, not to ritually murder anyone. All this can be proven many times over by primary source data from many corroborating documents, whereas the tales of shower rooms & sadism are all and only anecdotes of so-called survivors, many of whom have been caught in numerous inconsistencies & falsehoods in their narratives. In fact, there exists ample documentation that the sadism and ritual murder were done by the bolsheviks – projecting their own behavior onto others yet again.


Hitler merely wanted to free German peoples from Bolshevik tyranny and banker's control, and for a time he was very successful, which is why (((the cabal))) went after him. He was a nationalist, and worked with Jews to help them create and move to a nation of their own. He wasn't even "racist." He loved his own people, but didn't hate others. When Germany hosted the Olympics, he warmly celebrated Jesse Owens, who spoke very well of Hitler and the Germans up to his death in 1980 (vid embedded). Nor did Hitler hate all Jews, he even had some working with him. He didn't confiscate their wealth, only wanted German land to be owned by Germans. When Q told us to "study Nazism" I think he means to truly study it. National Socialism does contain the seeds of how we can be successful via policies proven to work, and the true story of WWII and the maligned "Nazi's" is needed to free ourselves from the blood libel used to shame us into turning our power over to the cabal out of guilt. It's used as the basis for all of our dispossession, even to non-Jews. Always the admonition – don't be so xenophobic, protectionist, or (gasp) nationalist, you remember where it led last time right?

One of the best resources to learn about the real Hitler and Nazi Germany is the documentary series "The Greatest Story Never Told." It's well done, references a lot of primary sauce, and is quite moving. If you have German heritage you owe it to yourself, you’ll be shocked at the release of the weight of shame you’ve been carrying all this time, and rightfully proud of your brave and good kinsmen. We've been lied to about so much. WWII "Revisionist history" is one of the big steps we make on our journey to the whole truth. Documentary can be found on the youtubes, or here:

Kek, the website opens with a promo vid of someone calling in to AJ about it, and other commenters.

Even imdb gives it 4 stars.

Anonymous ID: 56e38d Jan. 19, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.4830648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0714


Yes, I know. I addressed the "disinfo is necessary" angle in my post right at the top.

We're here for truth. And Q said to study Nazism. My point is that, if you haven't, you should.

Anonymous ID: 56e38d Jan. 19, 2019, 10 p.m. No.4830874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1154 >>1238


>Listen to the testimonies of veterans and people


>the testimonies and mass graves in the woods are more than enough.


No, they're nowhere near enough. Nearly 100 million Christians were killed by Commies and all we hear about is the so-called "muh 6 million" when there's no evidence to prove that many died, and certainly non that they were intentionally genocided or tortured. But there's a shit-ton of evidence that Bolshevik Jews ritually murdered, tortured, AND intentionally attempted genocide.


Those "mass graves" prove only that people were killed. Far more evidence is was Christians than Jews. But the communists overseeing the sites have done everything in their power to prevent the investigation of the real who's and when's.


Look, there's way too much info needed to make a call than we can determine here in an argument. My point is that if you haven't ever investigated the other side to the story, you should. And you shills always pop up to suppress that advice. Why are you so afraid of people questioning your narrative? If it's true, won't it stand up to scrutiny?

Anonymous ID: 56e38d Jan. 19, 2019, 10:26 p.m. No.4831149   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Really?? Did you really try watching? There's no "jew bashing" in there, just an accounting of the political events of the time. Why did IMDB give it 4 stars if it was nothing but bashing a group with no basis?

Anonymous ID: 56e38d Jan. 19, 2019, 10:34 p.m. No.4831230   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is about as retarded as flat earthers.

You're slandering the documentary, and the information I presented, with nothing but an emotional appeal, the Appeal to Ridicule fallacy specifically. I'm of German heritage, my grandfather earned 2 purple hearts in WWII. He was a poet and musician, a gentle soul, absolutely destroyed by what he witnessed. Germans killing Germans, brothers killing brothers. Why? Who benefitted? Certainly not us, on either side. Take a look at who has all the money and power now – it's they who benefitted. And those people are largely Jews, not Germans or Euro-Americans.


And I've lived a version of Weimar Germany right here, we all have. Us Calanons had to deal with a savage foreign occupation that still has me twitching, years after I finally fled. It wasn't Hitler that did that to us, that opened our borders to parasites and gangs, it was Dems and Jews.


I will commit to posting one or a couple of the 15 min. segments of the documentary here, as an embed, every night, for those that want to see it. It occurs to me that our German anon brothers, and others in Europe/Aus/Canada might not be able to access the website directly due to censorship.


If it's bullshit, as you say, "flat earth nonsense," then what can be the harm in anons seeing for themselves? If they're part of the Q movement, and the JQ is wedged into it, why not become armed with evidence to fight against the muhjoos? Knowledge is power. I'm just advocating that you seek out that knowledge, especially in areas (((they))) don't want you snooping around.