So is it safe to say that the prokike and antikike shills are all on the same side?
Ive been saying this shit for ages. None of these posters know how to use an image board.
100% agree with you. Its like saying Catholics are pedos. Again being a /pol/ faggot myself its easy to tell none of this shit organic. Even the most autistic of us would never drop copy pasta for months without even getting lols out of it.
'Full Disclosure' is a meme. They can never give you everything. Sad thing is that so far theyre still not explaining anything to normies.
Would be nice to have CIA make a few comments about Khashoggi or FBI to explain Las Vegas shooting.
> Vatican is the den of Satan
Yea for the most part it probably is. There are some good guys fighting i think. This Schneider guy calls out the masons and the pope publicly.
Heres another good Catholic.
The problem is not just the pedos its the also the ones that preach a passive/progressive doctrine.
People are conned to put their money into the hands of investors. Nobody should be playing the market unless you know what youre doing!!
Boomers who trust some firm with their pension would be better off buying silver or gold or bonds. If youre too fucking lazy to research market trends and buy/sell techniques DONT FUCKING TOUCH THE MARKETS.