i stopped by voat qrv and what's left of the people there seemed pretty pissed about the speech earlier
nothing much going on so let's discuss our Q theories. some think only the first few weeks of Q posts were legit. CBTS in other words. on the other hand, some of the anons on right now think there will never be some kind of hammer time. so maybe there is no way of sifting the info from the disinfo and even if there was, what's the point of eating popcorn on national popcorn day?
july 2018 month the world will know the truth Q post. what's anon's conjectures about that? does it refer to anything or was it merely disinfo?
if there is some kind of thing like FISAs on bad actors in Congress I think that alone explains all the disinfo. in that case, you'd have to be a real bad actor to get anything out of drops.
the only thing that seems clear to me about the UK situation is that the UK establishment really really doesn't want the status quo to change. the RUV the E.U. and seems like there are genuinely few dissenters. can't tell if May is just jerking your chain around or not, leaning toward she is. then you've got the daily mail posting extremely weird stuff about prince philip. have NO idea what's going on there
imagine if the founding fathers decided to keep the American Revolution a secret 'cause they were afraid war and the declaration of independence would frighten the poor British colonist sheep. and then they won the war, but decided to only disclose it in a few vague newspaper clippings from CLETUS. and they decided to psyop all the colonists and tell them they were still subjects of the British Empire just to keep the status quo intact and not rock the boat too much.
that's what this has been like
what say you?
if the first revolutionary war was a psyop a lot about the current state of affairs would make a whole lot more sense
call us to him in the sky TO KICK ASS on the earth and lay to waste the enemies of mankind.. then RETURN TO THE EARTH and set up a new government proper nice like there mate
if you paid attention, you'd know that the "blood sacrificies" were to give some gibs to the priests so they could eat a nice tasty meal
i think whether or not that's exactly true in practice it is the same effect. need to throw off the yoke of the british regardless. we may need to go over there and beat their asses 1800s Tripoli style
the truth is most likely somewhere between the lines. see the apocalypse of peter for instance
on a sunday?
I agree! It's like we get a new JFK conspiracy theory every day instead of clean air
total BS about full disclosure. a change of thinking is needed. anything else is literally retarded.
that's not creepy at all