Anonymous ID: 04e7a7 Jan. 20, 2019, 1:39 a.m. No.4832305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2312 >>2314 >>2319 >>2322 >>2329 >>2341 >>2348 >>2369 >>2505 >>2547


>with bans aplenty to eliminate stupidity?

Who would implement the bans?

If you try to create a walled garden where you are safe from the shills you will be become lulled into a false sense of security. Remember that the people we are fighting have perfected the art of infiltration to the extend that they have nearly or effectively taken control of all western spy agencies. The only reasons why this place cannot be controlled is because it is innately chaotic and because there is absolutely no trust. And the last of trust means that everyone is constantly evaluating everyone and everything critically and suspiciously. This dynamic is why Q chose the chans for this operation. Having to sift through the 95% bullshit is an unfortunate side effect of the chaos that makes us uncontrollable. It's an acceptable price to save the nation.

Anonymous ID: 04e7a7 Jan. 20, 2019, 2:18 a.m. No.4832499   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>organized religion has nothing to do with religion.


organized religion has nothing to do with faith.

Faith == internal beliefs.

Religion == external (usually repetitive) practices.

Anonymous ID: 04e7a7 Jan. 20, 2019, 2:41 a.m. No.4832579   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That 53 miles of shelves, not 53 square miles.

The Vatican Secret Archives are actually open to researchers. Have been since the late 1800s. You can apply for access: