>science has it's place in our necessities of advancement
science have already defined wat "advancement" is, see.. lost from step 0
the shape is no end goal in itself, the end goal is to understand the system that created and manages our perception of reality
well, there is a chain of causality, originating from us as spirit souls, eternal servants of god all the way down. we are referring to the system that operationally manage our perceptions in our day to day life.
its perception management and the objective of psychological operations, a psyop basically
science is one of the areas the puppets dingeling in the front of our eyes dont fight over, theres no usa/russia/china conflict regarding us coming from apes, they are also agreeing on the space hoax, the nuke bomb hoax and the rest of the components that are the fundament of their perception management operation
yes, but ull have to put it in context or ur statement provide nu useful information
a prayer to the godess of learning, saraswati
todays science has nothing to do with deep thinking, its robotic people running a satantic program in their minds and too stupid to realize it
go to space
ur magnificent theory dont explain the conciseness that created it