Anonymous ID: bff448 Jan. 20, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.4832228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2562 >>2618 >>2649




Who Hitler and the Nazis experimented on other than the Jews…

The victims of unethical human experiments and coerced research under National Socialism

The occurrence of unethical research provides insight into the structure of Nazi medical research. The project traced how Nazi coercive research began in the context of eugenic research in the mid-1930s. After numbers of experiments dipped in 1940 due to military call-up of medical researchers, the research rapidly intensified both in terms of numbers of experiments and victims, and in terms of severity for victims. This can be seen from 1942 with the notorious and often fatal experiments on low pressure, exposure to freezing temperatures, and infectious diseases when research could be taken to the point of death. Pharmacological experiments on therapies for tetanus, typhus and typhoid were spurred by the realisation that Allied military medical research on infectious diseases was outstripping German military medical expertise. From November 1942 racial priorities came increasingly to the fore, as exemplified by Schumann's X-ray sterilisation experiments on Jews in Auschwitz.

Victims were a highly international group. The above table (Table 1) shows numbers of nationalities, using nationality as in 1938. The table indicates the distribution of nationalities. The largest national group, that of Polish victims, includes both Roman Catholics and Jews. There were high numbers of German and Austrian victims, in part as a result of the experiments and dissections that accompanied the killing of psychiatric patients. While there were other large groups, there are also smaller national groups, as Swiss, British and Irish, all highly remarkable in how their citizens became caught up in the experimentation. We find victims include a Swiss conscientious objector used for malaria experiments at Dachau, and British commandos captured in Norway used for amphetamine and high performance experiments on the shoe track at Sachsenhausen, and subsequently executed.


There has been no full evaluation of the numbers of victims of Nazi research, who the victims were, and of the frequency and types of experiments and research. This paper gives the first results of a comprehensive evidence-based evaluation of the different categories of victims. Human experiments were more extensive than often assumed with a minimum of 15,754 documented victims. Experiments rapidly increased from 1942, reaching a high point in 1943. The experiments remained at a high level of intensity despite imminent German defeat in 1945.


There has been no full evaluation of the numbers of victims of Nazi research, who the victims were, and of the frequency and types of experiments and research. The one partial estimate is restricted to experiments cited at the Nuremberg Medical Trial. This paper gives the first results of a comprehensive evidence-based evaluation of the different categories of victims. In 1945 liberated prisoners from German concentration camps began to collect evidence of the experiments.

The scientific intelligence officer John Thompson then pointed out not only that 90% of all medical research under National Socialism was criminal, but also the need to evaluate all criminal experiments under National Socialism, and not just those whose perpetrators were available for arrest and prosecution

Anonymous ID: bff448 Jan. 20, 2019, 1:28 a.m. No.4832246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2256 >>2261 >>2395 >>2562 >>2618




Anthony Acevedo thumbs through the worn, yellowed pages of his diary emblazoned with the words "A Wartime Log" on its cover.


It's a catalog of deaths and atrocities he says were carried out on U.S. soldiers held by Nazis at a slave labor camp during World War II – a largely forgotten legacy of the war.


He was one of 350 U.S. soldiers held at Berga an der Elster, a satellite camp of the Nazis' notorious Buchenwald concentration camp. The soldiers, working 12-hour days, were used by the German army to dig tunnels and hide equipment in the final weeks of the war.


Less than half of the soldiers survived their captivity and a subsequent death march, he says.


About 90 Jewish soldiers and another 260 U.S. soldiers deemed "undesirables" – those who "looked like Jews" – were selected. Acevedo, who is not Jewish, was among them.


The U.S. prisoners, Acevedo says, were given 100 grams of bread per week made of redwood sawdust, ground glass and barley. Soup was made from cats and rats, he says. Eating dandelion leaves was considered a "gourmet meal."


If soldiers tried to escape, they would be shot and killed. If they were captured alive, they would be executed with gunshots to their foreheads, Acevedo says. Wooden bullets, he says, were used to shatter the inside of their brains.


"Prisoners were being murdered and tortured by the Nazis. Many of our men died, and I tried keeping track of who they were and how they died."


The soldiers were forced to sleep naked, two to a bunk, with no blankets. As the days and weeks progressed, his diary catalogs it all. The names, prisoner numbers and causes of death are listed by the dozens in his diary. He felt it was his duty as a medic to keep track of everyone.

"I'm glad I did it," he says.


As a medic, he says, he heard of other more horrific atrocities committed by the Nazis at camps around them. "We heard about experiments that they were doing – peeling the skins of people, humans, political prisoners, making lampshades."


He says they began a death march of 217 miles (349 kilometers) that would last three weeks.


More than 300 U.S. soldiers were alive at the start of the march, he says; about 165 were left by the end, when they were finally liberated.

Lines of political prisoners in front of them during the march caught the full brunt of angry Nazi soldiers.


"We saw massacres of people being slaughtered off the highway. Women, children," he says. "You could see people of all ages, hanging on barbed wire."


Acevedo's story is one that was never supposed to be told. "We had to sign an affidavit … [saying] we never went through what we went through. We weren't supposed to say a word," he says.

The U.S. Army Center of Military History provided CNN a copy of the document signed by soldiers at the camp before they were sent back home. "You must be particularly on your guard with persons representing the press," it says. "You must give no account of your experience in books, newspapers, periodicals, or in broadcasts or in lectures."

The document ends with: "I understand that disclosure to anyone else will make me liable to disciplinary action."

The information was kept secret "to protect escape and evasion techniques and the names of personnel who helped POW escapees," said Frank Shirer, the chief archivist at the U.S. Army Center for Military History.

Acevedo sees it differently. For a soldier who survived one of the worst atrocities of mankind, the military's reaction is still painful to accept.

Anonymous ID: bff448 Jan. 20, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.4832531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2543 >>2601 >>2618



You can take your theory of Hitler being some Hero or Victim of the Jew and stick it!


On the subject of pseudo-medical experiments conducted in diverse Nazi camps. There has been considerable confusion over the various types of illicit activities practiced by SS doctors and orderlies, who for example did their medical training by carrying out surgery on prisoners. no consistency in the way they have been treated. . It will not be a full picture of all the types of experiments and criminal acts perpetrated by Nazi physicians, pharmacists and orderlies; neither will it cover the full list of camps and sub-camps, nor even of the prisons in which the Nazis conducted their experiments.

Pseudo-medical experiments were conducted in many camps and on a wide scale.

Women had cancer tissue implanted in the uterus for experimental purposes (Grzywo-Dąbrowska and Grzywo-Dąbrowski, 1946). A variety of surgical operations was carried out on no medical indications at all, just for practice, in other words for no experimental purpose either. For instance, limb amputations were done on patients suffering from ulcers. Other operations done on no grounds were laparotomies, hernia operations, the extraction of nerves, muscles, and bones. Labor was induced in pregnant women for no reason.

Experiments were conducted involving infectious diseases such as typhus, tuberculosis, malaria, and phlegmon (Fejkiel, 1955). Healthy individuals were artificially infected with injections of the blood of persons suffering from typhus….certain unspecified anti-typhus vaccines were tested.


Still other experiments included the administration of acrichine to induce jaundice, the making of plaster-casts of women’s sex organs, the application of electric shocks and other pseudo-medical experiments on which there have been relatively few publications so far.


The horrifying facts revealed during the Nazi doctors’ trial in the American Military Tribunal in Nuremberg in 1947 (Mikulski, 1967) and the Japanese doctors’ trial in the Soviet Military Tribunal at Khabarovsk (1949) shocked world opinion. Vast numbers of victims, mercilessness, cruelty and criminality motivated by the lowest impulses – such were the lengths to which the experimenters went.


Ravensbrück ~Biological experiments were carried out on human guinea pigs, chiefly Polish women, but also women of other nationalities, including mentally ill women (Klimek, 1968). Experimental operations were done only on healthy, well-built young women who were political prisoners….


Operations done to examine the effects of surgical infections (by pus-forming microorganisms, usually Staphylococcus aureus, malignant oedema, gas gangrene, or tetanus germs) injected into the calf muscles or inserted into an open wound. The experiments were done to test the therapeutic properties of sulphonamide drugs and other medications, which were put into the infected wound. The blood vessels at both ends of the wound were constricted to prevent blood flow, which was to simulate the prevalent conditions in battlefield wounds. This was also why the infection was aggravated by having broken glass, sawdust, and pieces of fabric rubbed into the wound.

Later, when the women started to resist, operations were done forcibly. SS-men gagged victims’ mouths and held their legs down, and the operations were carried out in dreadfully…


The extreme attitude adopted by German doctors on biological experiments was an outcome of the Nazi principle that doctors had an absolute right to conduct experiments on prisoners whenever such experiments were justified by scientific or national interests. Hence they were permitted to carry out experiments without the subject’s consent, and even against his will, since according to Nazi law a doctor’s first duty was to his country.,pseudo-medical-experiments-in-hitlers-concentration-camps

Anonymous ID: bff448 Jan. 20, 2019, 2:36 a.m. No.4832558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2591

The board sure is infested with the lowest IQ fucktard shills tonight!


Which only means that they are shitting in their shorts…

Anonymous ID: bff448 Jan. 20, 2019, 2:48 a.m. No.4832608   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ignorance must be bliss…please by all means tell the rest of us what it feels like. Another clueless millennial!


Heaven help us! Stop, your making my brain cry.

Anonymous ID: bff448 Jan. 20, 2019, 2:57 a.m. No.4832639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2664


Can you not read?


The horrifying facts revealed during the Nazi doctors’ trial in the American Military Tribunal in Nuremberg in 1947 (Mikulski, 1967) and the Japanese doctors’ trial in the Soviet Military Tribunal at Khabarovsk (1949) shocked world opinion.


Do you know what foot notes are and how to find them?


Must be another low IQ millennial or camel piss drinking goat humping hamas, cair moslem brother hood or skin head shill.


Any one who paints all Jews as evil are total fucktards, skin heads or muzzies.


(yes Jews have a significant amount of corrupt & evil) per population…but equal to moslems.)

Anonymous ID: bff448 Jan. 20, 2019, 3:01 a.m. No.4832659   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ID: c63e7e

you're the hamas fucktard Shill rabbi


Take some friendly advise and stop binge drinking camel piss. And save the very few brain cells that you have left .