I would say that the [MSM] is hiding his accomplishments. Problem is that is all the normies watch and listen to.
Why isn't the media covering this trial at all? https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-nyed-1_18-cr-00204/pdf/USCOURTS-nyed-1_18-cr-00204-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3l5q-Zs9QQDIgbnwm6Z9YTTGEem9oIKthVhbDKGmHNOGxZSyjLIspqZvA
Yeah I really do not care what shape the Earth is or isn't. Lets get rid of the corrupt evil fucks and argue about the shape or not later.
Nice logo only showing the left eye.
I know what you mean.
It's not a support group and this isn't about you.