Normies are pretty low-information, esp. when compared to Anons. I had a normie aggressively assert that Trump hasnt built any part of the wall and he cant because he doesnt have the funds and he just wants him out of office. Big tv and movie watcher. Dont waste too much time trying to inform them. When Trump puts more info on muh tv, they will watch, just like they did The Apprentice. When he arrests and tries /them/ on muh tv, normies will eventually lap it up with glee. I mean, these people watch shitty sitcoms and cop shows every day. A real life death penalty trial, they will go crazy for it. Think OJ.
Francis was all happy with the muzzie Soetero, all glum with nominally Christian Trump. Hmmmm
Ordinary Catholics have suffered the most from clergy child abuse. That's a basic fact.
Similar to how Americans suffered the most from Bushbama abuse, although the Libyans, Egyptians, Syrians, Afghanis and Iraqis might disagree.
The reported numbers from my Dioceses and Universities are much lower, although it's all very bad. One of my Dioceses sold off a lot of useful real estate and shut many Churches to pay the victims. That hurt a lot of old school Catholics, including my family.
Trump's a fool if he thinks he can play nice with these hardened criminals.
I view that result as extremely unlikely. Q has indicated Mueller is /their/ hedge and protection.
It's a masonic speciality.
Boo is real though, I'm familiar with him. He was fb famous.
Great tune.
>>4832135 God forbid something happening to Barron or any of Trump's family, but if it did, Trump would make the putting down of the Spartacus rebellion look like a casual skirmish.
Build the Wall.
Lock /them/ up.
Purge the vote fraud.
Join your local chapter of No M'am.
Top Shelf Kek.
Not effecting justice against known criminals is itself the crime of miscarriage of justice and neglect of the office and oath.
Flat Earth is one thing, it's flat chicks I dont like.
I'm an expert on the Church, you aren't. Your opinion matters naught to me.
It MUST, or Trump will have no credibility in 2020.
The Lion of Judah. Some of these Anons think they are Church scholars, but all theyve done is read a handful of news articles. The Church will outlast all.
He's a turd, but he also got screwed, as Trump said. He pissed somebody off. The Bushies it appears.
Namefaggot filtering works great.
Stevens apparently went off the reservation.
Simple fact. The Caesars tried to extinguish the Church, as have many states since. States you've never even heard of.
The Nazis and Soviets are basically gone, yet the Church lives.
Where's the muzzie truck bomber when you need him?
Maybe John Chambers.
When Q mentioned masons, the board lost it for days, all kinds of spoopy shit happened.
Boo is well known around SF. He's real. FB Famous.
Um, I have two degrees in Latin. I could teach a course in this subject. I used to tutor it in fact to undergraduates.
Constantine actually did quite a bit of Christian-killing prior to his conversion. It was considered part of the job before him.
I'm seriously considering moving to Italy. They're ruthless and will "MIGA" faster .
Send the hash, burn the rest.
Wasnt that one of the tripcode or board changes?
Well, you sure aren't. Try community college though, you might be able to make it.
I dont care for stupid, poorly-informed opinions on important subjects. Stick to Spongebob or something you actually know and understand, it's better for everybody.
Gawd, these womens' march speakers are dumber than rocks. Occasional-Cortex is literally painful to hear.
I despise namefaggots, I usually ban any that start popping up often. If you cant be Anon, bleh.
You're just a poorly-informed bore. Go read a book. Try St. Ignatius of Antioch, that will help.
Might happen at some point. The Church has seen worse times than this, although many Catholics seem to think Francis is a kind of Obama. First unpopular Pope I've seen. I know I've never warmed to him. Benedict is prob the real Pope.
More like IF.
Yeah, red text seems a pointless bother, although Freddy can be mildly amusing. Wasnt red text called Pelicaning before?
Diversity is a weakness, Meathead. Unity is strength.
We'll see. Not much sauce on that. A Q post, but that's not much credibility anymore really.
You're not even a good (You), never mind a "We." Dummies dont impress anybody. Lurk moar.
The Drunken Puckerer?
I'm a Constitutional Conservative. You're just not too bright.
I'll ask the questions, Sonny, that's a privilege of the Doctorate class. You dont even comprehend what I'm talking about. I'd call you sophomoric, but it's clear you never made it that far. You're an average iq person with a youtube. You're what in good society is called a "killing bore." See, now you'e actually learned something and I've answered your question.
I would consider it an outstanding achievement if Trump can lay off a few hundred thousand fed govt. workers. Hey, go for 500K, Trump.
WRONG! You sound like a VERY average high school graduate. Am I right?
Remember when the Roman Empire tried to extinguish the Church for a few hundred years? They even killed Jesus and the Apostles. Whatever happened to those guys, anyway?
Ignatius' own writings mention his arrest by the authorities and travel to Rome to face trial:
From Syria even to Rome I fight with wild beasts, by land and sea, by night and by day, being bound amidst ten leopards, even a company of soldiers, who only grow worse when they are kindly treated.
โโIgnatius to the Romans, 5.
Ignatius' transfer to Rome is regarded by scholars as unusual, since those persecuted as Christians would be expected to be punished locally. If he were a Roman citizen, he could have appealed to the emperor, but then would usually have been beheaded rather than tortured.