GOOD OLD FASHIONED - (G)lobal (W)arming = GW Bush code - telling him to get back into the news cycle.
It's tough to talk about the Bush's - keep an open mind that it's a complicated story how the world was saved and the propaganda about who is good and who is bad has been a fierce war where anon's got tricked a few times by relentless manipulation. (like Alex Jones) high production values for the year eh? Yea… the cult has had a narrative blaring strong for many years now drawing an equivalency between Patriots and Plants - it's best to just say whoever the MSM hates (poll numbers sub 30% ) might not be a bad guy.
Course this won't change any minds just yet, I'm just saying keep an open mind about it. The story of how the world was saved has many twists and turns and the cult has managed to win a few battles of propaganda. Trust logic and yourself (not the narrative) when the time comes.
"Who is good" right after mentioning the Bush's distraction of Al-Waleed…. to talk about that requires explaining the significance of Saddam Hussien 1 and our former POTUS Hussien 2 - as well as 9/11 as a super watergate and what happened in the Anthrax attacks after the Patriot Act, talking about Jeb! and what a red herring is… so much to say