Let's imagine the Dems and Reps came to an agreement regarding the wall. Like today or tomorrow. Are there any other major obstacles in the way of building it immidiately? Is all the land required secured and surveyed with blueprints and contractors/builders ready to go? Or is all the media hype and disagreement just for show… while the paperwork at the actual locations are prepared or negotiated? I've read there are private citizens who own land along the border… are the private property owners all in and in agreement with the government? Is eminent domain going to have to be used… and how long of a process is that? Something tells me the wall is still in the pipedream stage.
Picked by POTUS himself.
He's gonna take our guns.
You know that right?
First priority in his agenda.
It's obvious at this point.
We will have no escape.
The wall we all hope for to keep the terrorists and illegals out…
will be the same wall that keeps us trapped in.
They will harvest our data as long as possible until We The People reach a breaking point.
Hell, by that time guns will be useless anyways, unless we turn sights on our felloew civilians/citizens
We have no chance against them.
DEW's can burn us like ants under a magnifying glass.
So all necessary land along the border is secured, surveyed and blueprints are drawn and approved? No private property landowners are holding out… and eminent domain will not be necessary? If an agreement is made between Reps and Dems… everything is ready to go?
You just may be surprised what an AG with an anti gun agenda, a state of emergency, martial law, and angry citizens fighting amongst themselves could result in.
dudes with blue hats
Why is there no media covering the eminent domain thing if it is an obstacle? Are they afraid of another Clive Bundy type of standoff… where real patriots protect private citizens from the Feds?
I agree our nations safety is important. But I'm having a hard time reconciling the fact that my tax dollars will be used to lowball a private citizen into selling his land due to eminent domain.
Is Barr as AG not a big enough sign for you?
You do know first priority in his agenda is gun confiscation right.
Like door to door taking them from us.
Based on red flag laws.