Anonymous ID: 22ed22 Jan. 20, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.4836229   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Who leaked the speech to the press?


I think it's just another canary trap, but it had a dual purpose, IMO. It's flushing out leakers and it was also fed to the Pelosi faction because they wanted her to reject it immediately. She looks unreasonably obstinate.


There has to be a crisis inside the dems group in congress. There are some who would vote for wall funding, maybe enough for it to pass. I think that's why Pelosi isn't bringing it up for vote.


Looking at the senate, Manchin is for funding and should just switch parties. The WV governor did and I haven't heard about any negative fall out, but I'm not sure. It could be that by driving Pelosi into the arms of the hard left, more moderate dems could say fuck it and switch in the house, too.


At any rate, I sense a wedge being driven into the dem congressional presence, with Pelosi's obstinate list to the left risking the danger of members jumping ship.