POTUS watching some SportsBall today with several anons
I think the orange heads are key
They make choco & blue merle pommies too
But it's always the orange man bad they pushing
What is the last sauced sighting of Nancy?
Seen at the airport right?
Not on a flight just at the airport.
Where are Nancy and all her peeps now?
Twatter twats don't count.
American Football is Pugilistic Chess.
Only America could perfect the melding of 2 skill sets so exquisitely.
Long Live Real Football!
Prefer college game as I like my athletes to be hungry servants not Steelers holdouts/malcontents.
OK so sauce now says last sighted in our country (technically anyways) Saturday at Haight-Fecalberry (one block down from Ashbury) in San Francisco.
The locals are renaming streets in SF to fit with the times.
Wasn't that way when the Chinese had Feinstein running the show as mayor.
The times between Dirty Harry and today were exceptionally clean(er) there.
>Time for me to take a maga timeout.
You was gonna watch SportsBall anyways don't be making up shit nigga