So one of the guys at the start of the video, in the crew that's preaching the bible at the Native folks, is wearing this around his neck??
We've seen this right?? Can't keep up. Gotta clean my house at least ONCE a month. KEK!!
So one of the guys at the start of the video, in the crew that's preaching the bible at the Native folks, is wearing this around his neck??
We've seen this right?? Can't keep up. Gotta clean my house at least ONCE a month. KEK!!
I think they're both in on it, the kid and the elder. Now we have everyone admitting that they jumped the gun and that clickbait and fake lead ins and "hot reads" are often wrong, from Adams /ourguy/, to the NY Times. I've never seen so many retractions.
Also, I have a LOT of liberal friends I keep track of and actually have great relationships with even though I am PROUD MAGA & Trump, and I haven't seen them all jump so hard so fat at anything in MONTHS.
This had ALL the elements the racist and always projecting left was looking for, and now it's backfiring on them in a BEAUTIFUL fashion that has DJT and teams handiwork ALL over it.
The necklace is about 90 seconds in really fast.
Doesn't someone have a daughter named Tiffany?? Hmmmm…..
Oh, so YOU speak for all QAnons then?? Heard.